A volcanically active planet is shown in closeup at the left side of the image with glowing eruptions and lines of lava on the surface. To the right and in the distance is a faint blue glowing ball representing the more massive planet in the system.Sixteen frames from Voyager 1's flyby of Jupiter in 1979 were merged to create this image. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is visible in the center. Jupiter's moon Europa can be seen in the foreground at the bottom left of the image.The frame is a horizontal rainbow of color on a grid. Shadows of molecules can be seen through the light as well as the jagged peaks and troughs of spectral lines.
Fizzy Super Earths and Lava Worlds“Fizzy Super-Earths: Impacts of Magma Composition on the Bulk Density and Structure of Lava Worlds.” in The Astrophysical Journal.01/03
Identifying Hydrothermal Activity on Icy Ocean Worlds“Ethene-ethanol ratios as potential indicators of hydrothermal activity at Enceladus, Europa, and other icy ocean worlds.” In Icarus.02/03
NASA Raman Spectroscopic Database"The NASA Raman spectroscopic database: Ramdb version 1.00.” In Icarus.03/03
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December 2024Reduction and Archiving of Multiwavelength, Polarized-intensity Debris-disk Observations with the Gemini Planet Imager

Crotts, K. A., Esposito, T. M., Matthews, B. C., Duchêne, G., Chen, C. H., Hom, J., … Ren, B. (2024). Reduction and Archiving of Multiwavelength, Polarized-intensity Debris-disk Observations with the Gemini Planet Imager. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 276(1), 14. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ad90a4

A new pathway to SO2. Revealing the NUV driven sulfur chemistry in hot gas giants

De Gruijter, W., Tsai, S-M., Min, M., Waters, R., Konings, T., & Decin, L. (2024). A new pathway to SO2. Revealing the NUV driven sulfur chemistry in hot gas giants. Astronomy & Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450598

An Exploration of Molecular Lines for Abundance Analysis in M-dwarf IR Spectra

Flores, I., Maas, Z. G., & Hinkel, N. R. (2024). An Exploration of Molecular Lines for Abundance Analysis in M-dwarf IR Spectra. Research Notes of the AAS, 8(12), 315. doi:10.3847/2515-5172/ad9f60

Sulfur Analogs of the Core Formose Cycle: A Free Energy Map

Kua, J., PeñA, M. T., Cotter, S. N., & Leca, J. (2024). Sulfur Analogs of the Core Formose Cycle: A Free Energy Map. Life, 15(1), 1. doi:10.3390/life15010001

Two Earth-size Planets and an Earth-size Candidate Transiting the nearby Star HD 101581*

Kunimoto, M., Lin, Z., Millholland, S., Venner, A., Hinkel, N. R., Shporer, A., … Winn, J. (2024). Two Earth-size Planets and an Earth-size Candidate Transiting the nearby Star HD 101581*. The Astronomical Journal, 169(1), 47. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad9266

Geochemical context for hydrothermal organic molecules in Mars-analogue samples from Earth

Teece, B. L., Havig, J. R., Hamilton, T. L., & Barge, L. M. (2024). Geochemical context for hydrothermal organic molecules in Mars-analogue samples from Earth. Nature Astronomy, 8(12), 1513–1520. doi:10.1038/s41550-024-02435-0

A first-principles investigation on the enthalpy landscape for the hibonite solid solution: Implications for a nebular barometer

Zanetta, P-M., Thakur, A. K., Manga, V. R., Muralidharan, K., & Zega, T. J. (2024). A first-principles investigation on the enthalpy landscape for the hibonite solid solution: Implications for a nebular barometer. American Mineralogist. doi:10.2138/am-2024-9449

Deconstructing Taphonomy to Reconstruct the Morphology and Life Habit of Attenborites Janeae at Nilpena Ediacara National park

Mccandless, H. K., Droser, M. L. (2024) Deconstructing Taphonomy to Reconstruct the Morphology and Life Habit of Attenborites Janeae at Nilpena Ediacara National park. Palaios, 39(11). doi:10.2110/palo.2023.005

November 2024Shaking and Tumbling: Short- and Long-timescale Mechanisms for Resurfacing of Near-Earth Asteroid Surfaces from Planetary Tides and Predictions for the 2029 Earth Encounter by (99942) Apophis

Ballouz, R-L., Agrusa, H., Barnouin, O. S., Walsh, K. J., Zhang, Y., Binzel, R. P., … Tang, Y. (2024). Shaking and Tumbling: Short- and Long-timescale Mechanisms for Resurfacing of Near-Earth Asteroid Surfaces from Planetary Tides and Predictions for the 2029 Earth Encounter by (99942) Apophis. The Planetary Science Journal, 5(11), 251. doi:10.3847/psj/ad84f2

The Upper Atmosphere of Uranus from Stellar Occultations. II. Revised Temperatures in the Upper Stratosphere and Lower Thermosphere

Saunders, W. R., Person, M. J., Withers, P., French, R. G., & Tubthong, C. (2024). The Upper Atmosphere of Uranus from Stellar Occultations. II. Revised Temperatures in the Upper Stratosphere and Lower Thermosphere. The Planetary Science Journal, 5(11), 247. doi:10.3847/psj/ad7c4d