January 26-27, 2016, NAI EC In-person Meeting
January 21, 2016The NAI Executive Council meeting on January 26-27, 2016 will be held in Mountain View, CA and hosted by the NASA Ames Research Center and SETI teams.
NAI Central POC: Jeni Ornelas 650-279-0939 (cell)
Please register for your meeting attendance with NAI here. We use this information for meeting planning and communication.
The NAI EC meeting will be held in:
Building 210, Room 115
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035Map of EC Meeting and Tour Locations:
Please note: Due to construction, the NASA Ames main gate at Moffett Blvd will be closed off to cars. Between the hours of 6AM-6PM, from Moffett Blvd, drivers can turn left to get onto R.T. Jones Road and then right onto King Road (orange route shown on map below) to enter Ames through the King Road Gate. Outside of 6AM-6PM, drivers will need to enter and exit through the Ellis Street Gate and Mark Ave Gate (blue route on map below). Visitors should have their guest badge and ID ready at all gates.
Lodging Reservations
Quality Inn & Suites at NASA Ames
5 Fairchild Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043
(650) 934-0155
Hotel must be called directly to make reservations.Group Name: NAI EC Meeting
Arrival Date: Monday, January 25, 2016
Departure Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
Room Rate: $187
Fixed Cut-Off Date: Friday, January 8, 2016Route from Quality Inn to King Road Gate:
Route from Quality Inn to Ellis Gate:
Visitors will need to provide:
– Name (First, Last and Middle Initial)
– Affiliation
– Citizenship
– Country of CitizenshipAlso because of the implementation of the REAL ID Act, those with a driver’s license from the following states may require a second form of ID:
– American Samoa
– Arizona
– Louisiana
– Minnesota
– New Hampshire
– New YorkOf the noncompliant states, Minnesota and New York have an Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL) available. These can be utilized as an acceptable identity document for access control.
Tuesday, January 26th
08:00-08:30 BREAKFAST
08:30-09:00 Welcome and Introductions
– Ames Center Director – Dr. Eugene Tu
– SETI Institute Director – Mr. Bill Diamond, President and CEO09:00-10:30 Synergy Themes
– DDF Selections
– Updates10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:00 Update from NASA HQ
12:00-12:45 LUNCH, for PIs
12:45-1:30 PI in camera Session (Team PIs only)
1:30-2:00 Report-out from in camera Session (EC, NAI Central, NASA HQ)
2:00-3:00 Education and Communications (E & C, formerly EPO) Update
3:00-3:30 Website Updates (Program site, Synergy pages)
3:30-3:45 Group Picture
3:45-4:15 BREAK
4:15-5:00 Synergy Themes cont’d
5:00-5:30 Other Business
– Workshops Without Walls
– Funding Opportunity Deadlines
– Open Mic5:30 Adjourn
Dinner Location: Michael’s at Shoreline
2960 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043Meal selection must be placed by Friday, Jan 15th. Please indicate your selection on the Jan 2016 EC Meeting Registration Page.
Wednesday, January 27th
07:30-08:00 BREAKFAST
08:00-10:00 NASA-ARC Team Science Presentations
Scott Sandford – “A Brief Introduction to the ARC Team” (10 mins)Michel Nuevo (NASA-ARC/BAERI) – “Sugar derivatives in residues produced from the UV irradiation of H2O:CH3OH ice mixtures” (13 mins)
Chris Materese (NASA-ARC/BAERI) – “Radiation processing of interstellar ice analogs leads to the production of heterocyles and nucleases” (13 mins)
Andy Mattioda (NASA-ARC) – “Infrared Spectroscopy of PAHs” (13 mins)
Timothy Lee (Chief, Space Science & Astrobiology Division) and
Martin Head-Gordon, (UC Berkeley) “Quantum chemistry studies of complexation, isomerization and decomposition in carbon cluster growth from acetylene” (15 mins)Partha Bera (NASA-ARC/BAERI) – “Ab initio quantum chemical investigations on the formation of nucleobases, e.g. Uracil, Thymine, and Adenine from their precursors in astrophysically relevant conditions” (15 mins)
Greg Laughlin (UC Santa Cruz) – “From dusty disks to rocky planets — probing the origins and details of the galactic planetary census” (15 mins)
Andy Mattioda – “Outreach Activities with the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations and Langston University (10 mins)
10:30-12:30 SETI Institute Team Science Presentations
Nathalie A. Cabrol (SETI Institute/NASA Ames) – “A Brief Introduction to the SETI Institute Team” (10 mins)Janice Bishop (SETI Institute): “Evidence of a Changing Early GeochemicalEnvironment at Mars” (15 mins)
Adrian Brown (Remote presentation): “Low Pressure Serpentinization Reactions on Mars” (15 mins)
Alfonso Davila (SETI Institute/NASA Ames): “The Last Possible Outposts for Life on Mars-Lessons learned in Hyper-Arid Deserts on Earth” (15 mins)
Dale Andersen and Pablo Sobron (SETI Institute – Remote Presentation): “Untersee Oasis: An Antarctic Analog of Lakes on Mars” (Andersen– 10 mins Sobron– 10 mins)
Nancy Hinman (University of Montana) – Likely Martian deposits, likely environmental signatures. (Remote presentation – 15 mins)
12:30-1:15 LUNCH (all)
1:30-5:30 Lab/Facility Tours
1:15–1:30 Travel to NAS building N258
1:30–2:15 Uma Gorti / Tim Lee / NAS Staff – Tour of NAS Building and the Hyper Wall
2:15–2:30 Travel to building N245 for Ames tours; divide into two groups
Group 1: Chris Materese / Michel Nuevo / Scott Sandford – Astrochemistry Lab- Rm 115
Group 2: Andy Mattioda – Astrochemistry Laboratory – Rm 2943:00–3:30
Group 2: Chris Materese / Michel Nuevo / Scott Sandford – Astrochemistry Lab- Rm 115
Group 1: Andy Mattioda – Astrochemistry Laboratory – Rm 2943:30–3:45 Travel to building N239
3:45–5:30 SETI Lab Tours–N239
– Philippe Sarrazin and David Blake N239/B086, 043-050
– Virginia Gulick, N239/303
– Richard Quinn (and David Summers), N239/424-4325:30 DINNER or Depart for airport
Dinner Location: Stein’s Beer Garden
895 Villa St, Mountain View, CA 94041

- October 18, 2019 - VideoCon
- September 20, 2019 - VideoCon
- August 16, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- July 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- June 21, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- May 29-30, 2019 - In-Person (GSFC)
- April 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- March 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- February 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- December 21, 2018 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- November 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- October 19, 2018 - VideoCon
- September 11-15, 2018 - In-Person (Georgia Tech)
- August 17, 2018 - VideoCon
- July 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- June 15, 2018 - VideoCon
- May 15-16, 2018 - In-Person (CUB)
- April 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- March 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- February 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2018 - VideoCon
- All Archived Previous EC Agendas