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  1. March 16, 2018 Agenda

    10:00-10:30 InSight Mission to Mars (PI Bruce Banerdt, JPL)

    10:30-10:40 Updates on May and September In-person EC Meetings (Penny)

    10:40-10:50 Announcements
    - Josep Comas i Sola International Summer School in Astrobiology will be held from June 25-29, application deadline March 16
    - Notices of Intent for 2018 Exobiology proposals are due April 16, – proposal due date is May 24
    - Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award, deadline April 1st
    - Exploring Life Origins and the Universe: A Networking Event at Georgia Tech – March 30th, 2018
    - Others

    10:50-11:00 Open Mic: Highlights from Written Reports or Other Topics

    11:00-11:30 Extended Team Science, Georgia Tech – Vaughn Cooper (Univ. Pittsburgh) “Why Evolution in Biofilms is Different and Promotes Complexity”

    11:30 Adjourn