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  1. July 19, 2019 Agenda

    10:00-10:15 AbSciCon Recap
    - 20th Anniversary Session
    - International Partner Meeting
    - NAI Academic Family Tree

    10:15-10:30 Updates on Workshops w/o Walls
    - Mars Extant Life [Penny]
    - Methane [Mike M.]
    - Evolution of Life Far from Equilibrium [Paul F.]
    - Astrovirology week of September 16

    10:30-10:40 Astrobiology AG?

    10:40-10:50 Announcements
    - NAI 20th Anniversary Event, November 13/14
    - Call for Nuggets/Press Releases
    - GSFC Summer Student Presentations August 9
    - Upcoming Program due dates (Melissa)
    - Last chance for edits to the 2018 Annual Report

    10:50-11:00 Open Mic: Highlights from Written Reports or Other Topics

    11:00-11:30 Extended Science Talk: Matt Herron (Georgia Tech)
    Experimental evolution of multicellularity in the green alga Chlamydomonas

    11:30 Adjourn