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  1. June 15, 2018 Agenda

    10:00-10:40 Follow-on from Boulder EC Meeting: Updates and Discussion (Penny, All)

    10:40-10:50 Announcements
    - Status of September EC Meeting planning
    - New NAI logo
    - Central staff changes
    - Call for Nuggets
    - NPP deadline July 1
    - EANA abstract and travel grant application deadline: July 1 (view Upcoming Events and Opportunities slides)
    - Others

    10:50-11:00 Open Mic: Highlights from Written Reports or Other Topics

    11:00-11:30 Extended Team Science: Continuation of CAN-7 Team Summary Presentations
    - JPL Icy Worlds (Steve Vance, for Isik Kanik)
    - SETI Institute (Nathalie Cabrol)

    11:30 Adjourn