February 7 - 8, 2017, NAI EC In-person Meeting
February 3, 2017The NAI Executive Council meeting on February 7-8, 2017 will be held in Pasadena, CA and hosted by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Desi Bridges (510) 468-2413, desireemoi.r.bridges@nasa.gov
Estelle Dodson (650) 996-0850, estelle.dodson@nasa.govPlease fill out the NAI EC Meeting RSVP page. We use this information for transportation planning and communication.
The NAI EC meeting will be held at:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Bldg 233, Room 305E
4800 Oak Grove Dr
Pasadena, CA 91109
Lodging Reservations
The Westin Pasadena
191 N Los Robles Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 792-2727Room Block Name: NASA Astrobiology Institute EC Meeting
Room Block Dates: February 6-9, 2017
Room Rate: $175.00
Room Block Reservation Deadline: January 7, 2017To book a room, go to: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/events/start.action?id=1611254146&key=1CC85CF0
Room details: http://www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/rooms/index.html?propertyID=1453
Visitors will need to provide this completed form to Desi Bridges (desireemoi.r.bridges@nasa.gov).
You must bring original hardcopies of your ID and any necessary papers when onsite at JPL.
Also because of the implementation of the REAL ID Act, those with a driver’s license from the following states may require a second form of ID (such as a passport, military ID, or Enhanced Driver’s License):
- American Samoa
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- WashingtonA full list of acceptable IDs is available at https://centerwide.arc.nasa.gov/detail.php?32846.
Tuesday, February 7th
08:00–08:30 BREAKFAST
08:30–08:45 Welcome and Introductions
08:45–10:00 Institute Business
- AbSciCon planning/ International Partners
- Maximizing the impact of summer internships
- Updates from NAI Synergy Themes
- Other10:00–10:30 BREAK
10:30–11:15 PI in camera Session (Team PIs only)
11:15–11:45 Report-out from in camera Session (EC, NAI Central, NASA HQ)
11:45–01:00 LUNCH and walk to “Left Field”
01:00–03:00 JPL Team-A Mission Planning (held in “Left Field” in a nearby building)
- Introduction by JPL Innovation Foundry
- Identification of a Universal Biomarker03:00–03:30 BREAK
03:30–05:00 JPL Team-A Mission Planning (continued)
- Break-out Sessions
- Summary and Wrap-up05:00 Adjourn
Roy’s Restaurant
641 East Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-4066
Wednesday, February 8th08:00–08:30 BREAKFAST
08:30–10:15 JPL Icy Worlds Team Science Presentations
08:30 – 08:50 Diana Blaney – Principal Investigator – Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Instrument
08:50 – 09:15 Michael Russell (JPL) – Is Helicoidal Green Rust the Missing Link Between Hydrothermal Chemistry and Biochemistry?
09:15 – 09:30 Marc Baum / John Moss (Oak Crest) – Green Rust Synthesis for Early Earth Vent Environment Simulations
09:30 – 09:45 Vince Aguirre (Oak Crest) – Nitrogen Redox Catalyzed by Green Rust in Hydrothermal Precipitates
09:45 – 10:00 Laurie Barge (JPL) – Hydrothermal Chimneys: Electrochemistry, Phosphorus Chemistry, and Organic/Mineral Feedbacks
10:00 – 10:15 Erika Flores (JPL) – Amino Acid Synthesis in Iron Oxyhydroxides Simulating Alkaline Hydrothermal Systems
10:15–10:35 BREAK
10:35 – 11:00 Steve Vance (JPL) – Probing the Habitability of Ocean Worlds
11:00 – 11:25 Michael Brown (Univ. of Washington) – A Sea Change in Solution Thermodynamics
11:25 – 11:45 Bob Pappalardo – Project Scientist – Europa Clipper Mission – Mission Overview
11:45 – 12:05 Christophe Sotin – Icy Moons: Interior Structure and Dynamics
12:05 – 12:30 Tuan Vu – Chemistry of Frozen Brines: Application to Icy Worlds
12:30–01:20 LUNCH
01:30–04:00 Tour of JPL
- Astrobiology Lab – Laurie Barge
- Ice Chemistry Lab – Paul Johnson
- Von Karman Museum Tour
- Spacecraft Assembly Facility Tour

- October 18, 2019 - VideoCon
- September 20, 2019 - VideoCon
- August 16, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- July 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- June 21, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- May 29-30, 2019 - In-Person (GSFC)
- April 19, 2019 - VideoCon
- March 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- February 15, 2019 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2019 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- December 21, 2018 - VideoCon - CANCELLED
- November 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- October 19, 2018 - VideoCon
- September 11-15, 2018 - In-Person (Georgia Tech)
- August 17, 2018 - VideoCon
- July 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- June 15, 2018 - VideoCon
- May 15-16, 2018 - In-Person (CUB)
- April 20, 2018 - VideoCon
- March 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- February 16, 2018 - VideoCon
- January 18, 2018 - VideoCon
- All Archived Previous EC Agendas