A volcanically active planet is shown in closeup at the left side of the image with glowing eruptions and lines of lava on the surface. To the right and in the distance is a faint blue glowing ball representing the more massive planet in the system.Sixteen frames from Voyager 1's flyby of Jupiter in 1979 were merged to create this image. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is visible in the center. Jupiter's moon Europa can be seen in the foreground at the bottom left of the image.The frame is a horizontal rainbow of color on a grid. Shadows of molecules can be seen through the light as well as the jagged peaks and troughs of spectral lines.
Fizzy Super Earths and Lava Worlds“Fizzy Super-Earths: Impacts of Magma Composition on the Bulk Density and Structure of Lava Worlds.” in The Astrophysical Journal.01/03
Identifying Hydrothermal Activity on Icy Ocean Worlds“Ethene-ethanol ratios as potential indicators of hydrothermal activity at Enceladus, Europa, and other icy ocean worlds.” In Icarus.02/03
NASA Raman Spectroscopic Database"The NASA Raman spectroscopic database: Ramdb version 1.00.” In Icarus.03/03
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March 2010Direct Water Splitting Through Vibrating Piezoelectric Microfibers in Water

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Metagenomes from High-Temperature Chemotrophic Systems Reveal Geochemical Controls on Microbial Community Structure and Function

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Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Acidophilic Microbial Biofilms

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The Moon That Would Be a Planet

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Hydrous magmatism on Mars: A source of water for the surface and subsurface during the Amazonian

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Global enhancement of ocean anoxia during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: A quantitative approach using U isotopes

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Global Biogeochemical Changes at Both Ends of the Proterozoic: Insights from Phosphorites

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Film Bulk Acoustic-Wave Resonator Based Relative Humidity Sensor Using ZnO Films

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