David Blake
NASA Ames Research Center
Current Projects
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2014 NAI
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2013 NAI
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2012 NAI
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2011 NAI
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2010 NAI
- Mineralogical Traces of Early Habitable Environments — 2009 NAI
- Biosignatures in Chemosynthetic and Photosynthetic Systems — 2008 NAI
- Biosignatures in Chemosynthetic and Photosynthetic Systems — 2007 NAI
- Biosignatures in Chemosynthetic and Photosynthetic Systems — 2006 NAI
- Biosignatures in Chemosynthetic and Photosynthetic Systems — 2005 NAI
- Biosignatures in Chemosynthetic and Photosynthetic Systems — 2004 NAI
- View all 11 projects
NAI Project Collaborators
- Project collaborators as reported by the latest NAI Annual Report.
Blake, D., Vaniman, D., Achilles, C., Anderson, R., Bish, D., Bristow, T., … Yen, A. (2012). Characterization and Calibration of the CheMin Mineralogical Instrument on Mars Science Laboratory. Space Sci Rev, 170(1-4), 341–399. doi:10.1007/s11214-012-9905-1
See Project -
Blank, J. G., Green, S. J., Blake, D., Valley, J. W., Kita, N. T., Treiman, A., & Dobson, P. F. (2009). An alkaline spring system within the Del Puerto Ophiolite (California, USA): A Mars analog site. Planetary and Space Science, 57(5-6), 533–540. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2008.11.018
See Project See Project -
Grotzinger, J. P., Crisp, J., Vasavada, A. R., Anderson, R. C., Baker, C. J., Barry, R., … Wiens, R. C. (2012). Mars Science Laboratory Mission and Science Investigation. Space Sci Rev, 170(1-4), 5–56. doi:10.1007/s11214-012-9892-2
See Project See Project -
Hausrath, E. M., Treiman, A. H., Vicenzi, E., Bish, D. L., Blake, D., Sarrazin, P., … Brantley, S. L. (2008). Short- and Long-Term Olivine Weathering in Svalbard: Implications for Mars. Astrobiology, 8(6), 1079–1092. doi:10.1089/ast.2007.0195
See Project See Project See Project -
Stalport, F., Glavin, D. P., Eigenbrode, J. L., Bish, D., Blake, D., Coll, P., … Mahaffy, P. R. (2012). The influence of mineralogy on recovering organic acids from Mars analogue materials using the “one-pot” derivatization experiment on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite. Planetary and Space Science, 67(1), 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2012.02.010
See Project See Project See Project -
Stern, J. C., McAdam, A. C., Ten Kate, I. L., Bish, D. L., Blake, D. F., Morris, R. V., … Amundsen, H. E. F. (2013). Isotopic and geochemical investigation of two distinct Mars analog environments using evolved gas techniques in Svalbard, Norway. Icarus, 224(2), 297–308. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.07.010
See Project See Project -
Bishop, J. L., Franz, H. B., Goetz, W., Blake, D. F., Freissinet, C., Steininger, H., … Darby Dyar, M. (2013). Coordinated analyses of Antarctic sediments as Mars analog materials using reflectance spectroscopy and current flight-like instruments for CheMin, SAM and MOMA. Icarus, 224(2), 309–325. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.05.014
See Project - Achilles, C.N., Ming, D.W., Morris, R.V. & Blake, D.F. (2011). Detection limit of smectite by the CheMin IV laboratory instrument: Preliminary implications for CheMin on the Mars Science Laboratory Mission. LPSC, 42. See Project
- Amundsen, H.E.F., Benning, L., Blake, D.F., Fogel, M., Ming, D., Skidmore, M., Steele, A. & Team, A. (2011). Cryogenic Origin for Mars Analog Carbonates in the Bockfjord Volcanic Complex, Svalbard (Norway). Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- Amundsen, H.E.F., Benning, L., Blake, D.F., Fogel, M., Ming, D., Skidmore, M., Steele, A. & Team, M. (2011). Cryogenic origin for Mars analog carbonates in the Bockfjord volcanic Complex. LPSC 42. Svalbard Norway. See Project
- Blake, D., Treiman, A.H. & Robinson, K.L. (2009, in preparation). CheMin detectability of carbonate and clay minerals in altered ultramafic rocks (tentative title). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 41. See Project
- Blake, D.F., Amundsen, H.E.F., Benning, L., Bish, D., Conrad, P., Fogel, M., Midtkandal, I., Ming, D., Steele, A., Treiman, A.H. & Team, A. (2010). Carbonate Cements from the Sverrefjell and Sigurdfjell Volcanoes, Svalbard Norway; Terrestrial Analogs for Martian Carbonates? LPI Contributions, 1538: 5119. See Project
- Blake, D.F., Treiman, A.H., Morris, R., Bish, D., Amundsen, H.E.F. & Steele, A. (2011). Carbonate Cements from the Sverrefjell and Sigurdfjell Volcanos, Svalbard Norway: Analogs for Martian Carbonates. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- Blake, D.F., Vaniman, D., Anderson, R., Bish, D.L., Chipera, S., Chemtob, S., Crisp, J., Des Marais, D.J., Downs, R., Farmer, J.D., Gailhanou, M., Ming, D., Morris, D., Stolper, E., Sarrazin, P., Treiman, A. & Yen, A. (2009). The CHEMIN Mineralogical Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory Mission. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 23-27, 2009, The Woodlands, TX. Abstract No. 1484. See Project
- Ehlmann, B.L., Cardace, D., Hoehler, T., Blake, D. & Kelemen, P. (2011). Terrestrial serpentinizing systems as mineralogical, geochemical (and biological?) analogs for Mars. Analogue sites for Mars missions: MSL and beyond. The Woodlands, TX. See Project
- Mahaffy, P.R., Stern, J.C., Franz, H.B., Stalport, F., Eigenbrode, J., Blake, D.F., Conrad, P., Steele, A. & McAdam, A.C. (2010). Field and Laboratory Studies of Samples from the Bockfjord Volcanic Complex in the 2009 Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition. LPI Contributions, 1538: 5306. See Project
- McAdam, A.C., Mahaffy, P.R., Blake, D.F., Ming, D.W., Franz, H.B., Eigenbrode, J.L., Steele, A. & Team, A. (2010). Evolved Gas Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction of Carbonate Samples from the 2009 Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition: Implications for Mineralogical Inferences from the Mars Science Laboratory. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- McAdam, A.C., Ten Kate, I.L., Stern, J.C., Mahaffy, P.R., Blake, D.F., Morris, R.V., Steele, A., Amundson, H.E.F. & Team, A. (2011). Field Characterization of the Mineralogy and Organic Chemistry of Carbonates from the 2010 Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition by Evolved Gas Analysis. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- McAdam, A.C., Ten Kate, I.L., Stern, J.C., Mahaffy, P.R., Blake, D.F., Morris, R.V., Steele, A., Amundson, H.E.F. & Team, A.2. (2010). Field characterization of the mineralogy and organic chemistry of carbonates from the 2010 Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition by evolved gas analysis. LPSC 42. See Project
- Morris, R.V., Blake, D.F., Bish, D., Ming, D.W., Agresti, D.G., Treiman, A.H., Steele, A., Amundsen, H.E.F. & Team, A. (2011). A Terrestrial Analogue from Spitsbergen (Svalbard, Norway) for the Comanche Carbonate at Gusev Crater, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- Perry, K.A., Bishop, J.L., Dyar, M.D., Blake, D.F., Peel, S. & Brown, A.J. (2011). Spectral analysis of nontronite-magnesite-olivine mixtures and implications for carbonates on Mars. LPSC 42. See Project
- Sarrazin, P., Brunner, W., Blake, D., Gailhanou, M., Bish, D.L., Vaniman, D.T., Chipera, S.J., Ming, D.W., Steele, A., Midtkandal, I., Amundsen, H. & Peterson, R. (2008). Field Studies of Mars Analog Materials Using a Portable XRD/XRF Instrument. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts. See Project
- Sarrazin, P., Taylor, G.J., Blake, D., Vaniman, D. & Bish, D. (2011). XTRA: Extraterrestrial Regolith Analyzer. LPSC 42. See Project
- Treiman, A.H., Robinson, K.L., Blake, D.F. & Bish, D. (2010). Mineralogy determinations by CheMin XRD, tested on ultramafic rocks (mantle xenoliths). [abstract]. Abstracts of the 2010 Astrobiology Science Conference. Abstr. #5150. See Project
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650-604-4816 -
dblake@mail.arc.nasa.gov -
Past NAI Teams
NASA Ames Research Center
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SETI Institute
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NASA Ames Research Center
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NASA Ames Research Center