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2016 Annual Science Report

University of Southern California Reporting  |  JAN 2016 – DEC 2016

Executive Summary

Our research focuses on the deep subsurface biosphere on Earth, both continental and marine, with an eye towards subsurface environments on other planetary bodies. A set of geologically diverse field sites provides excellent samples and opportunities around which we are conducting several comprehensive, interdisciplinary, coordinated, and complementary research efforts. Here, we summarize our main accomplishments in 2016 on our four major research themes: (A) access to the subsurface and broad characterization, (B) in-situ life detection and characterization, © guided cultivation of intraterrestrials, and (D) energy flow and metabolic modeling.

A. Access to the Subsurface and Broad Characterization
In 2016, the Life Underground (LU) project continued fieldwork at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota and the BLM-1 borehole near Death Valley. Other primary field sites, including the Shimokita deep coal seam off Japan and The Cedars ophiolite site in northern California, were ... Continue reading.

Field Sites
17 Institutions
3 Project Reports
0 Publications
0 Field Sites

Project Reports