2016 Annual Science Report
University of Southern California Reporting | JAN 2016 – DEC 2016
In-Situ Life Detection and Characterization
Project Progress
William Abbey
Project Investigator
Abigail Allwood
Project Investigator
Jan Amend
Project Investigator
Rohit Bhartia
Project Investigator
Lina Bird
Project Investigator
Sean Bouchard
Project Investigator
Caitlin Casar
Project Investigator
David Case
Project Investigator
Gray Chadwick
Project Investigator
Allison Comrie
Project Investigator
Bethany Ehlmann
Project Investigator
Moh El-Naggar
Project Investigator
Evan Eshelman
Project Investigator
Jayme Feyhl-Buska
Project Investigator
Tracy Fullerton
Project Investigator
Jacqueline Goordial
Project Investigator
Yuri Gorby
Project Investigator
Scott Hamilton-Brehm
Project Investigator
Hiroyuki Imachi
Project Investigator
Fumio Inagaki
Project Investigator
Yamini Jangir
Project Investigator
Rose Jones
Project Investigator
Amruta Karbelkar
Project Investigator
Chris Kempes
Project Investigator
Brittany Kruger
Project Investigator
J. Gijs Kuenen
Project Investigator
Doug LaRowe
Project Investigator
Bonita Lam
Project Investigator
Kyle Metcalfe
Project Investigator
Alice Michel
Project Investigator
Lily Momper
Project Investigator
Yuki Morono
Project Investigator
Duane Moser
Project Investigator
Sean Mullin
Project Investigator
Kenneth Nealson
Project Investigator
Akihira Okamoto
Project Investigator
Tullis Onstott
Project Investigator
Beth Orcutt
Project Investigator
Victoria Orphan
Project Investigator
Magdalena Osburn
Project Investigator
Sahand Pirbadian
Project Investigator
Brandi Reese
Project Investigator
Nerissa Rivera-Laux
Project Investigator
Alberto Robador
Project Investigator
Annette Rowe
Project Investigator
Joshua Sackett
Project Investigator
Everett Salas
Project Investigator
Cecilia Sanders
Project Investigator
Haley Sapers
Project Investigator
Pratixa Savalia
Project Investigator
Barbara Sherwood Lollar
Project Investigator
Daan Speth
Project Investigator
Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert
Project Investigator
Greg Wanger
Project Investigator
Josh West
Project Investigator
Holly Willis
Project Investigator
Hank Yu
Project Investigator
Objective 2.1
Mars exploration.
Objective 3.1
Sources of prebiotic materials and catalysts
Objective 4.1
Earth's early biosphere.
Objective 4.2
Production of complex life.
Objective 5.2
Co-evolution of microbial communities
Objective 5.3
Biochemical adaptation to extreme environments
Objective 6.1
Effects of environmental changes on microbial ecosystems
Objective 6.2
Adaptation and evolution of life beyond Earth
Objective 7.2
Biosignatures to be sought in nearby planetary systems