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2016 Annual Science Report

University of Wisconsin Reporting  |  JAN 2016 – DEC 2016

Executive Summary

Our research activities in Year 4 of NAI CAN-6 involved 20 projects that fell under six themes, reflecting an increase in the number and diversity of research relative to the previous year: 1) Biomolecules of Life and Life Detection, 2) Microbial and Biogeochemical Processes in Mars-Analog Settings, 3) Mineralogical, Biogeochemical, and Sedimentological Processes on Early Earth and Mars, 4) Experimental Studies of Paleoenvironmental and Biological Proxies, and 5) Proterozoic and Archean Environments and Biosphere.

Theme 1: Biomolecules of Life and Life Detection Two projects were pursued under this theme. In Project 1A: Ground control experiments for in situ solar system astrobiology investigations, Co-Is Richard Quinn and Pascale Ehrenfreund studied radiation-induced alteration of potential biomarkers in the context of mineralogical-matrix interactions. Laboratory experiments were performed to further understand the impact of radiation on habitability and biosignature preservation. These results were used to interpret data sets ... Continue reading.

Field Sites
30 Institutions
3 Project Reports
0 Publications
0 Field Sites

Project Reports