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2016 Annual Science Report

University of Colorado, Boulder Reporting  |  JAN 2016 – DEC 2016

Executive Summary

Executive Summary for Year 2: In 2016, the 12 Rock-­Powered Life investigators, and the students and postdocs they support as members of the RPL team, have been active addressing scientific questions focused on the establishment of habitable conditions in water/rock hosted ecosystems. This includes intensive mineralogical, geochemical and biological investigations in our field systems (Theme 1), and experiments designed to elucidate geochemical and biochemical pathways operating during low‐temperature water/rock interaction (Theme 2).

Theme 1: Research activities in our core field systems: Atlantis Massif, CROMO, Oman and Yellowstone National Park.

We are conducting analysis of water/rock reactions, aqueous geochemistry and biochemical processes across three active serpentinization systems. In Year 2, several members of the RPL NAI team continued to be extensively involved with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 to the Atlantis Massif, a site of active serpentinization along ... Continue reading.

Field Sites
15 Institutions
4 Project Reports
0 Publications
0 Field Sites