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2016 Annual Science Report

SETI Institute Reporting  |  JAN 2016 – DEC 2016

Executive Summary

The following summary outlines the work performed by the SETI Institute NAI team during 2016 in the context of four major Research Areas (RA): The Signatures of Habitability (RA1); Taphonimic Windows and Biosignature Preservation (RA2), Environmental Controls on Biosignature Preservation (RA3), and Adaptive Detection of Biosignatures (RA4). Highlights of interactions with other NAI teams are also summarized.

RA 1 The Signatures of Habitability is comprised of two components, Remote Sensing and In Situ Detection, and is producing megascale to mesoscale surveys, extending from orbit to the surface, of martian regions and terrestrial analog sites dominated by aqueous mineralogy.

RA 1A: The Signatures of Habitability – Remote Sensing

Through the use of remote sensing data, RA 1A addresses three major objectives: 1) The characterization of ancient habitable environments on Mars using visible/near-infrared (CRISM) and high resolution (HiRISE) instrument data from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and more regional ... Continue reading.

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20 Institutions
4 Project Reports
0 Publications
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