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2003 Annual Science Report

Pennsylvania State University Reporting  |  JUL 2002 – JUN 2003

Executive Summary

The Penn State Astrobiology Research Center (PSARC), created five years ago as part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, is composed of 16 (Co)-PIs and their research teams from The Pennsylvania State University (13), The University of Pittsburgh (2), and SUNY Stony Brook (1). The investigators represent a wide range of disciplines: geochemistry (Michael Arthur, Susan Brantley, Rosemary Capo, Lee Kump, Hiroshi Ohmoto, Martin Schoonen, and Brian Stewart), paleontology (Mark Patzkowski), atmospheric chemistry (Jim Kasting and Robert Minard), geomicrobiology (Kate Freeman and Chris House), evolutionary genomics (Blair Hedges and Masatoshi Nei), and biochemistry and microbiology (Jean Brenchley and Greg Ferry). The proximity of all members has enabled close interaction and a variety of collaborative research, teaching, and public outreach programs. During the fifth year, PSARC has supported all or part of the research/education/PO activities carried out by 142 persons (16 (Co-)PIs, 22 ...

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