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2003 Annual Science Report

Scripps Research Institute Reporting  |  JUL 2002 – JUN 2003

Executive Summary

What is life, the requirements for its origins and evolution, and how living systems may be identified elsewhere in the universe are some of the most fundamental questions in astrobiology. Under the auspices of the Scripps Research Institute, a multi-institutional research team has been assembled to explore a variety of interdisciplinary experimental approaches to self-reproducing molecular systems and Darwinian chemistry. Through the design and study of diverse and novel chemical systems in the laboratory, we seek to garner a better understanding of life and its origins.

In the past year our team has continued to make significant discoveries and progress in several areas of research. Benner’s group at the University of Florida has established a multidisciplinary research program that addresses issues relevant to astrobiology from several distinct but interrelated perspectives. They have hypothesized that genetic molecules in water will contain a repeating charge, universally in ...

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