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2003 Annual Science Report

NASA Johnson Space Center Reporting  |  JUL 2002 – JUN 2003

Executive Summary

The JSC Astrobiology Center is very diverse team that has about as many non-JSC members as it does JSC members. Since we are unable to add new civil servants, only 3 civil servants participate significantly in any of the projects or the education and outreach activities, and only two of them can spend significant time on the science projects. Most of the JSC team consists of contractor scientists, two of which are also graduate students while working at JSC, summer student interns, a NAI post-doctoral fellow, and scientists from nearby institutions. Our team represents a variety of disciplines, including geology, mineralogy, microbial extremophiles, geochemistry, and planetology.

The uniting theme for the JSC team is sample and material analysis to provide characterization data on terrestrial samples, astromaterials, and experimental samples. The types of data sought are usually features related to microbial life and the byproduct ...

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