The Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) 2017 was held in Charlottesville, VA and hosted by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. A four-day Proposal Writing Retreat (PWR) at the Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank, WV preceded the conference. During PWR, twenty-nine early career scientists, including four organizers, wrote, presented, and peer-reviewed nine proposals and selected three top proposals to present at AbGradCon immediately following the retreat. AbGradCon included 85 participants who engaged in talks followed by in-depth Q&A, took part in four poster sessions, and mingled over games and refreshments in the evenings.

You can view recordings of talks from AbGradCon 2017 on the NASA Astrobiology YouTube channel.

The Astrobiology Graduate Conference provides a unique setting for astrobiologically-inclined graduate students and early career researchers to come together to share their research, collaborate, and network. Stay tuned for more details about AbGradCon 2017.