ROSES-2020 Amendment 84: C.26 COLDTech Step-2 Proposal Due Date Delayed to February 26, 2021, due to Widespread Power Loss

The goal of the Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech) Program is to support the development of spacecraft-based technology for surface and subsurface exploration of ocean worlds such as Europa and Enceladus. Due to wide-spread power loss across the United States, the Step-2 proposal due date for COLDTech has been delayed to February 26, 2021.

This Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020” (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:

Questions concerning C.26 COLDTech may be directed to Carolyn Mercer at