The 2019 Astrobiology Science Conference will be held in Seattle, Washington, from June 24-28, 2019. For further details, visit the AbSciCon 2019 website at:

Tentative Deadlines:
Session Proposals – November 6, 2018
Registration Opens – December 2018
Abstract Deadline – January 2019
Registration Deadline – May 2019

The preliminary list of SOC members includes:
Chair: Victoria Meadows (UW)
Giada Arney (GSFC)
Morgan Cable (JPL)
Jim Cleaves (ELSI)
Felipe Gomez (CAB)
Terrence Kee (Leeds U.)
Chris Reinhard (GaTech).
Barbara Sherwood-Lollar (U. Toronto)
Evgenya Shkolnik (ASU)
Ex-Officio: Mary Voytek (NASA-HQ)