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2005 Annual Science Report

University of California, Los Angeles Reporting  |  JUL 2004 – JUN 2005

Executive Summary


The UCLA astrobiology research program comprises four broad themes. These are: 1) extrasolar planetary systems and the origins of organic molecules; 2) habitability of planets and their satellites; 3) Earth’s early environment and life; and 4) evolution of biological complexity. Milestones achieved this year include demonstration that water was extant on Earth within 200 million years of the formation of the solar system, detection of organic molecules in debris disk surrounding a nearby star, detection of an extrasolar analogue to our own Kuiper belt, direct imaging of extrasolar planets, establishment of a time scale for rock formation in our solar system, elucidation of the causes of transition metal isotope fractionation that might be used as a biomarker, and a significant revision to our view of Earth’s “tree of life.” The projects reported on in this annual report can be grouped according to the ... Continue reading.

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12 Institutions
15 Project Reports
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Project Reports