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2005 Annual Science Report

NASA Ames Research Center Reporting  |  JUL 2004 – JUN 2005

Executive Summary

The Ames Research Center Team of the NASA Astrobiology Institute conducts complementary lines of research to understand the context for habitable environments and life, the origins of life and its impact on the planetary environment, and the future of life in changing environments. These investigations address all seven goals of NASA’s 2003 Astrobiology Roadmap and they pursue near-term roadmap objectives in ways that help to unify astrobiology and strengthen its linkages to flight missions. The Ames team conveys the content of its research program into its education and public outreach program through partnerships with NASA’s education programs, the California Academy of Sciences (CAS), Yellowstone National Park (YNP), New York Hall of Science, and several K-14 educational organizations. Strong conceptual and functional links to multiple NASA missions provide context, motivation, and resource-sharing opportunities for both the research and the education and public outreach efforts.

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