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2005 Annual Science Report

University of Colorado, Boulder Reporting  |  JUL 2004 – JUN 2005

Executive Summary

The University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology member in the NASA Astrobiology Institute runs a multi-pronged program. Our research efforts span the entire range of disciplines that comprise astrobiology, and include components in the physical sciences, the biological sciences, and the humanities. In addition, we collaborate with leading players from the aerospace industrial community to provide leadership in developing technology for astrobiology. On the education side, our research program meshes with a graduate-education program in each of the sub-disciplines within astrobiology, and we provide a broad-based education to students. In addition, we offer courses and programs for undergraduates, as a way of involving them in astrobiology and, eventually, feeding into a graduate program either here or elsewhere. We also have a cutting-edge program in education and public outreach that provides significant activities at a number of different levels. Our education and outreach program will be ...

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