Mary Voytek is the Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA and is the Program lead for Scientific Leadership & Collaboration. Dr. Voytek is also Program Officer for Planetary Science and Technology through Analog Research (PSTAR).
Lindsay Hays is the Deputy Program Scientist for Astrobiology and is the Program lead for Organizational Excellence. Dr. Hays is also Program Officer for Exobiology, Habitable Worlds, and the Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) Fellowships.
Daniella Scalice is the Program’s lead for Communications. The Astrobiology Program aims to inform researchers, students, educators, decision makers and other public audiences about the results of research funded by the program.
Melissa Kirven-Brooks is the Program’s lead for developing the Future Workforce. The Astrobiology Program is a diverse and inclusive research enterprise that uses its position to build the global workforce in Astrobiology and interdisciplinary science.
Mitch Schulte is the Program Officer for Habitable Worlds.
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