The Astrobiology Program is committed to bringing a diversity of perspectives and resources to the field, and will continue to engage international partners. Since its earliest days, the Astrobiology Program through the NAI established international partnerships to further the goals of the Program. Potential partners could request association with the NAI at a government-to-government level (associate partners) or at the institute-to-organization level (affiliate partners). Both of these partnerships were conducted with no exchange of funds and consist primarily of collaborative scientific exchange, outreach and education activities, and early career training opportunities. NASA’s Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR), which provides executive leadership and coordination for all NASA international, has determined that the former affiliate membership agreements are not in alignment with Administration direction and U.S. laws and regulations. Most engagements with international partners do not require nor are they appropriate for official agreements. Any new international partnerships will be reviewed and negotiated through agreements managed by OIIR.