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2001 Annual Science Report

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Reporting  |  JUL 2000 – JUN 2001

Executive Summary

Executive Summary — JPL (dm)

The JPL/Caltech node of the NAI has slowly evolved its scientific focus to be on the definition and detection of biosignatures that might be used to find evidence for extant or past life on Earth and on extraterrestrial environments, or within samples returned from such extraterrestrial sites. This evolution has occurred both in response to the members of our group expressing these interests, as well as the reviewers’ suggestions from the initial CAN application. The group includes members from a variety of research environments, including JPL, Caltech GPS (Geological and Planetary Sciences), University of Wisconsin (Geology), University of Rochester (Chemistry), USGS in Flagstaff, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The goals can be generally divided into three groups:

1. Stable isotopes of biosignatures:
a. nitrogen isotopes â?? Blake, Caltech
b. carbon and sulfur isotopes â?? Fogel and Rummel, Carnegie ... Continue reading.

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16 Institutions
11 Project Reports
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