Janice Bishop
SETI Institute
Current Projects
- Signatures of Habitability - What and Where to Search? — 2017 NAI
- Evidence for Tsunamis in an Ancient Martian Ocean - Where to Search — 2016 NAI
- Characterizing Carbonate Outcrops on Mars — 2015 NAI
- Remote Sensing of Ancient Habitable Environments on Mars — 2015 NAI
- Iron, the Oxygen Transition, UV Shielding, and Photosynthesis — 2008 NAI
- Characterization of Aqueous Processes on Mars Through Spectral Remote Sensing — 2008 NAI
- Planetary Biology, Evolution, and Intelligence — 2007 NAI
- Iron and Sulfur-Based Biospheres and Their Biosignatures — 2007 NAI
- Iron and Sulfur-Based Biospheres and Their Biosignatures — 2006 NAI
- Planetary Biology, Evolution, and Intelligence — 2006 NAI
- Iron and Sulfur-Based Biospheres and Their Biosignatures — 2005 NAI
- The History of Evolution of the Martian Surface and Water on Mars — 2005 NAI
- Planetary Biology, Evolution and Intelligence — 2005 NAI
- Planetary Biology, Evolution and Intelligence — 2004 NAI
- View all 14 projects
NAI Project Collaborators
- Project collaborators as reported by the latest NAI Annual Report.
Bishop, J. L., & Rampe, E. B. (2016). Evidence for a changing Martian climate from the mineralogy at Mawrth Vallis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 448, 42–48. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.04.031
Bishop, J. L., Fairén, A. G., Michalski, J. R., Gago-Duport, L., Baker, L. L., Velbel, M. A., … Rampe, E. B. (2018). Surface clay formation during short-term warmer and wetter conditions on a largely cold ancient Mars. Nature Astronomy, 2(3), 206–213. doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0377-9
Bishop, J. L., Franz, H. B., Goetz, W., Blake, D. F., Freissinet, C., Steininger, H., … Darby Dyar, M. (2013). Coordinated analyses of Antarctic sediments as Mars analog materials using reflectance spectroscopy and current flight-like instruments for CheMin, SAM and MOMA. Icarus, 224(2), 309–325. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.05.014
See Project -
Jenniskens, P., Shaddad, M. H., Numan, D., Elsir, S., Kudoda, A. M., Zolensky, M. E., … Worden, S. P. (2009). The impact and recovery of asteroid 2008 TC3. Nature, 458(7237), 485–488. doi:10.1038/nature07920
See Project -
Tirsch, D., Bishop, J. L., Voigt, J. R. C., Tornabene, L. L., Erkeling, G., & Jaumann, R. (2018). Geology of central Libya Montes, Mars: Aqueous alteration history from mineralogical and morphological mapping. Icarus, 314, 12–34. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.05.006
Wray, J. J., Murchie, S. L., Bishop, J. L., Ehlmann, B. L., Milliken, R. E., Wilhelm, M. B., … Chojnacki, M. (2016). Orbital evidence for more widespread carbonate-bearing rocks on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(4), 652–677. doi:10.1002/2015je004972
- Bishop, J.L. (2018) Chapter 3: Remote detection of phyllosilicates on Mars and implications for climate and habitability. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars. Editors Cabrol, N. A. and E. A. Grin, Elsevier, pp. 37-75.
- Bishop, J.L., Loizeau, D., McKeown, N.K., Saper, L., Darby Dyar, M., Des Marais, D., Parente, M. & Murchie, S.L. (2012). Early Martian habitability and phyllosilicates at Mawrth Vallis. Third Conference on Early Mars, #7014, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX. See Project
- Milliken, R., Swayze, G., Arvidson, R., Bishop, J., Clark, R., Ehlmann, B., Green, R., Grotzinger, J., Morris, R., Murchie, S., Mustard, J. & Weitz, C. (2008). Opaline silica in young deposits on Mars. Geology, 36. See Project
- Perry, K.A., Bishop, J.L., Dyar, M.D., Blake, D.F., Peel, S. & Brown, A.J. (2011). Spectral analysis of nontronite-magnesite-olivine mixtures and implications for carbonates on Mars. LPSC 42. See Project
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Past NAI Teams
SETI Institute
CAN 3 -
University of California, Berkeley
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SETI Institute