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2007 Annual Science Report

University of California, Berkeley Reporting  |  JUL 2006 – JUN 2007

Executive Summary

Executive Summary of NAI Team

July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007


The objective of the UC Berkeley-led BioMARS team is to integrate information about the coupled hydrologic, geomorphic and tectonic evolution of Mars and its mineralogic and geochemical composition with geomicrobiological data from Earth analog ecosystems to support the scientific framework for the search for evidence of past or current life on Mars. Our research on the evolution of Mars has been used to constrain its prior and current habitability and identify target environments for terrestrial analog studies. Analysis of Earth microbial systems has been undertaken to provide insights into the types of organisms and communities that could colonize these potentially habitable regions of Mars, their ranges of environmental tolerance, mechanisms of adaptation, and to define features of their possible biomarker or biosignature record. In the past year, our team’s research has ... Continue reading.

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