Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
November 29, 2017The NASA Astrobiology Institute supports workshops and other meetings of its members and the broader astrobiology community that will advance Astrobiology Program objectives. These include, but are not limited to, the integration of astrobiology research, mission planning, the coordination of field expeditions, international or inter-agency collaboration, or training in astrobiology. Requests for support are accepted on an on-going basis. A short proposal, including the goals of the meeting, intended number of attendees, the relevance to astrobiology, the dates and program, if available, may be sent to the attention of Dr. Edward Goolish, Deputy Director of the NAI, edward.m.goolish@nasa.gov.
2017 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
GRC Metals in Biology
January 22-27, 2017
Organized by R. David Britt
Follow-up report and program2nd Earth-like Worlds Workshop
February 17, 2017
Organized by Abel MendezGRC Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution
June 11-16, 2017
Organized by Ivan Matic
Follow-up report and programGRC Applied and Environmental Microbiology
July 16-21, 2017
Organized by J. Colin Murrell and Yuri Gorby
Follow-up report and group photoGRC Archaea: Ecology, Metabolism and Molecular Biology
July 23-28, 2017
Organized by Thomas Santangelo
Follow-up report and group photo
2016 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
July 31-August 7, 2016
Session organized by Eric HerbstGRC One Carbon Metabolism
July 31-August 5, 2016
Session organized by Stephane Vuilleumier
Follow-up report and group photoExoClimes
August 1-4 2016 – Quest University
Organized by Nick Cowan and Joe Harrington
Follow-up report and archived recordingsSerpentine Days
September 25-29, 2016
Report from conference
2015 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
Gordon Research Conference on Applied & Env. Microbiology
July 12-17, 2015 – Mount Holyoke College
Organized by J. Colin Murrell and Yuri GorbyGordon Research Conference on Archaea
July 26-31, 2015 – Sunday River, Newry, ME
Organized by Todd Lowe & Ruth A. Schmitz-StreitMetallomics in Medicine Workshop: The Role of Natural Isotopes in the Development of a New Generation of Biomarkers for Biomedicine
May 18-May 19, 2015 – Phoenix, Arizona
Organized by Ariel AnbarExtreme Solar Systems III
November 29-December 4, 2015 – Hawaii
LOC: Nader Haghighipour
Follow-up report
2014 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
Gordon Research Conference on Origins of Life
January 12-17, 2014- Galveston, TX
Organized by Steven Benner and Stephen FreelandThe Search for Life Beyond the Solar System, Exoplanets, Biosignatures and Instruments
March 16-21, 2014 – Tucson, AZ
Organized by Daniel Apai
2013 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
Origin of Life Workshop
January 21-24, 2013 – Princeton, New Jersey
Organized by Aaron Goldman and Laura LandweberFifth Int’l Conf on Polar and Alpine Micro
September 8-12, 2013 – Big Sky, Montana
Organized by John PriscuGordon Research Conference on Archaea: Ecology, Metabolism & Molecular Biology
July 28-August 2, 2013 – Lucca, Italy
Organized by Zvi Kelman & Sonja-Verena AlbersStars to Life: Connecting our understanding of star formation, planet formation, astrochemistry and astrobiology
April 3-6, 2013 – Gainesville, FL
Organized by Jonathan Tan
2012 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference Origin of Life
January 7-January 13, 2012 – Galveston, Texas
Organized by Sarah Walker and H. James CleavesExoClimes: The Diversity of Planetary Atmosphere Conference
January 16-January 20, 2012 – Aspen, Colorado
Organized by Nick CowanCool Stars Conference
June 24-June 29, 2012 – Barcelona, Spain
Organized by Vikki MeadowsInternational Astronomical Union Symposium
August 27-August 31, 2012 – Beijing, China
Organized by Nader HaghighipourTerrestrial Mars Analog Meeting
October 25-October 27, 2012 – Marrakech, Morocco
Organized by Sherry Cady
2011 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
Gordon Research Conference – Geobiology
January 30-February 4, 2011 — Ventura, California
Organized by Nora Noffke and John StolzMicrobiology of the marine deep sediment biosphere Dark Energy Biosphere, 2nd in series of 5
March 7-March 9, 2011 — UNC, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Organized by Matt Schrenk, Andreas Teske and Jen Biddle
Click here to download the reportACS Mars Session, Chemistry as a Tool for Space Exploration and Discovery at Mars
August 28-September 1, 2011 – Denver, Colorado
Organized by Mark Allen11th International Thermophiles Conference
September 11- September 16, 2011 – Big Sky, Montana
Organized by John Peters and Mark YoungExtreme Solar Systems II
September 11-September 17, 2011 – Grand Teton National Park, Moran, Wyoming
Organized by Nader Nagighipour- The NAI supported a series of four Virtual Workshops on the Study of Intelligence in Astrobiology, organized by Lori Marino and Kathryn Denning
2010 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
The NAI co-sponsored the 2010 Gordon Research Conference and Graduate Research Seminar on the Origin of Life
January 9 -15, 2010 – Galveston, Texas
Organized by H. James CleavesSEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology Field Conference Microbial Mats in Sandy Deposits Archean to Today
May 21-May 23, 2010 — Denver, Colorado
Organized by Nora Noffke
Click here to download the reportThe NAI co-sponsored the Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry
June 13-18, 2010 — Newport, Rhode Island
Organized by Ariel Anbar and Rachel Narehood AustinThe NAI provided funding for US student participation in the 2010 Astrobiology Graduate Student Conference (AbGradCon)
June 14-18, 2010 — Tallberg, Sweden
Organized by Eva SteeukenAsia Oceania Geosciences Society 2010 meeting – Methane lakes on Titan
July 5-July 13, 2010 — Hyderabad, India
Organized by Bishun Khare38th COSPAR Assembly
July 18-25, 2010 — Bremen, Germany- The NAI supported a series of four Virtual Workshops on the Study of Intelligence in Astrobiology, organized by Lori Marino and Kathryn Denning.
2009 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
A session at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, entitled Astrochemistry: Chemistry of the Planets, Interstellar Dust and Beyond
August 16-20. 2009 – Washington, DC
Organized by Gozen ErtemJohns Hopkins University Astrobiology Seminar Series
Fall 2009-2010
Organized by Jocelyne DiRuggiero and Luann Becker
2008 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
A session on Clay Minerals and Biomolecules at the joint American Chemical Society and Clay Minerals Society Meeting
April 2008 — New Orleans, Louisiana
Organized by Gozen ErtemSpeakers and student attendance for an astrobiology session at the Third International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology
May, 2008 — Banff, Alberta, Canada
Organized by Jody DemingA session in the 2008 Gordon Research Conference on the Molecular Basis Of Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism
July 2008 — Bates College in Lewiston, Maine
Organized by Stephen RagsdaleParticipation in the Cool Stars 15 Workshop
July, 2008 — University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Organized by Aleks ScholzAn Origins of Life Symposium at the annual meeting of the Japanese Geochemical Society
September, 2008 — University of Tokyo in Tokyo, Japan
2007 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
American Astronomical Society: “Formation and Detection of Habitable Planets”
January 2007 — Seattle, Washington
Organized by Nader Haghighipour
2006 Selections for the Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
International Symposium on Microbial Ecology: “Life in Extreme Environments and Astrobiology”
August, 2006 — Vienna, Austria
Organized by Frank RobbGeological Society of America: “Changes in Ocean and Atmospheric Redox State and the Evolution of Life”
October, 2006 — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Organized by Andrey Bekker and Ganqing Jiang2006 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: “Biofilms in the Environment: Adaptive Roles, Microbe-mineral Interfaces, and Contributions to Global Biogeochemical Cycles”
December 11-15, 2006 — San Francisco, California
Organized by D’Arcy Meyer-Dombard and Matt Schrenk

- Job/Funding Board
- NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program
- The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research in Astrobiology
- NASA Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award
- Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
- NASA Astrobiology Faculty Diversity Program (formerly MIRS)
- NAI Director’s Discretionary Fund
- NASA Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund