Funding Opportunities
July 18, 2018In addition to periodic solicitations for new NAI teams, the Astrobiology Program offers various other funding opportunities through the NAI. Information on these opportunities is provided below. For additional information contact Dr. Edward Goolish at (650) 604-1961 (Edward.M.Goolish@nasa.gov).
NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program Fellowship
The NASA Astrobiology Program element of the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) provides opportunities for Ph.D. scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability to perform research on problems largely of their own choosing, yet compatible with the research interests of the NASA Astrobiology Program. (More)
Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research in Astrobiology
The American Philosophical Society and the NASA Astrobiology Institute have partnered to promote the continued exploration of the world around us through a program of research grants in support of astrobiological field studies undertaken by graduate students, postdocs, and junior scientists and scholars who are affiliated with U.S. institutions. (More)
NASA Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award
The Astrobiology Program Early Career Collaboration Award offers research-related travel support for undergraduate, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior scientists. Applicants are encouraged to use these resources to circulate among two or more NAI Teams, or participating institutions of the NAI, however any travel that is critical for the applicant’s research will be considered. (More)
Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
The Astrobiology Chair is a distinguished senior research position in residence at the Library of Congress for a period of up to twelve months. Using research facilities and services at the Library of Congress, the scholar engages in research at the intersection of the science of astrobiology and its humanistic and social implications. The appointment ensures the subject of astrobiology’s role in culture and society receives considered treatment each year in Washington, D.C. (More)
NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Team Solicitations
Solicitations (Cooperative Agreement Notices) for NAI teams are posted on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website. NAI CANs are awarded for a 5 year period. Currently, there are three CAN 8 teams (5/2018 – 4/2023) and seven CAN 7 teams (1/2015 – 12/2019). The release of the next team solicitation opportunity will be announced some time in 2019.
NASA Astrobiology Faculty Diversity Program
The goal of the Astrobiology Faculty Diversity Program (formerly known as the Minority Institution Research Support (MIRS) Program) is to help train a new generation of researchers in astrobiology and to increase diversity within the astrobiology community. Over the past ten years, the program has provided opportunities for faculty members and students from minority-serving institutions to partner with NASA Astrobiology-funded investigators. (More)
NASA Astrobiology Institute Director’s Discretionary Fund
The NAI Director’s Discretionary Fund (DDF) makes one-year awards for research that advances the science of astrobiology, demonstrates impact to NASA’s space flight programs or its broader science activities, and/or contributes to NASA’s role as a federal R&D agency. (More)
NASA Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund
The NASA Astrobiology Institute supports workshops and other meetings of its members and the broader astrobiology community that will advance Astrobiology Program objectives. These include, but are not limited to, the integration of astrobiology research, mission planning, the coordination of field expeditions, international or inter-agency collaboration, or training in astrobiology. (More)

- Job/Funding Board
- NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program
- The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research in Astrobiology
- NASA Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award
- Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
- NASA Astrobiology Faculty Diversity Program (formerly MIRS)
- NAI Director’s Discretionary Fund
- NASA Astrobiology Conference and Workshop Fund