2011 Annual Science Report
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Reporting | SEP 2010 – AUG 2011
Executive Summary
The central goal of the Goddard Center for Astrobiology (hereafter, GCA) is to understand how organic compounds are created, destroyed, and altered during the formation and evolution of a planetary system, leading up to the origin of life on a planet such as Earth. Planetary systems form by collapse of dense interstellar cloud cores. Some stages in this evolution can be directly observed when stellar nurseries are imaged, while other stages remain cloaked behind an impenetrable veil of dust and gas. Yet to understand the origin of life on Earth, we must first develop a comprehensive understanding of the formation of our own planetary system. The clues contained in the most primitive bodies from that formative era (comets and primitive meteorites) are central to advancing our understanding of that epoch and of later delivery of volatiles to Earth. To understand the probability of finding life elsewhere we must understand both the similarities and differences between the evolution of our own system and those surrounding other stars.
The central question of our research is: Did delivery of exogenous organics and water enable the emergence and evolution of life? Our proposed research addresses the heart of Goal 3 of the Astrobiology Roadmap: Understand how life emerges from cosmic and planetary precursors.
The GCA investigation is divided into four Themes:
Theme 1: Establish the taxonomy of icy planetesimals and their potential for delivering pre-biotic organics and water to the young Earth and other planets.
Theme 2: Investigate processes affecting the origin and evolution of organics in planetary systems, and the presence of organics on exoplanets.
Theme 3: Analyze the formation, distribution, abundance, and isotopic composition of complex organics in authentic extraterrestrial samples and advanced laboratory simulations of them.
Theme 4: Develop advanced methods for the in-situ analysis of complex organics in small bodies in the Solar System.
This eighth year of our Astrobiology Program saw major emphasis on research collaborations across disciplines. GCA Team members conducted a vigorous and highly productive research program in all four Thematic areas. We conducted many investigations in the laboratory and in the field (mainly astronomical), as summarized below and in the individual reports of Progress.
Team members participated in numerous meetings and workshops, presenting their scientific results there and in many papers in the scientific literature. Of special note is an invited review published in the Annual Review of Astronomy Astrophysics 2011 (M. J. Mumma & S. B. Charnley, The Chemical Composition of Comets – Emerging Taxonomies and Natal Heritage).
The GCA sponsored two major Workshops during this reporting year:
We hosted the first Workshop on Cometary Taxonomy (March 14-16 in Annapolis, MD, with 35 invited participants. Drs. M. Mumma, S. Charnley, S. Milam, B. Bonev, and Ms. C. Eby organized the Workshop. The scope encompassed the entire temporal span of Planetary System formation, including chemistries in the interstellar natal cloud core and protoplanetary disk, dynamical evolution of material in the disk, the compositional signatures of ices and rocky material in comets, and the taxonomic classification of icy bodies within the principal cometary reservoirs. The emerging taxonomies (based on composition of ices and dust) received major attention, in an attempt to identify congruence and divergence amongst them. Insights gained from space missions to recent comets (Hartley 2, Tempel 1, and Borrelly) and from laboratory investigation of authentic samples returned from comet Wild 2 by Stardust capped this Workshop. Additional details appear under Theme 1.
GCA also co-sponsored an International Workshop on Isotopes in Astrochemistry (5-9 December 2011, Lorentz Center, Leiden University), with 50 invited participants. Scientific Organizers were Drs. S. Charnley and S. Milam (GCA Team), Conel Alexander (CIW Team), and Prof. Ewine vanDishoeck (Leiden University). The aim of the workshop was to obtain a clearer picture of the fate of observed interstellar isotopic fractionation patterns as they were incorporated into the protosolar nebula. A major goal was to ascertain which of the molecular isotopic signatures found in primitive Solar System matter (comets, and carbonaceous meteorites) are indicative of pristine interstellar molecules. Additional details appear under Theme 2.
In addition to planting these seeds for the future, our Team members made significant progress in meeting our scientific goals:
Major Research Accomplishments:
Conclusively demonstrated the presence of indigenous nucleobases and other purines in carbonaceous chondrites, resolving a 50-year-old debate. Report: Dworkin et al.
Found a distinctly different distribution of amino acids in 11 thermally altered meteorites compared to (previously studied) aqueously altered meteorites. Report: Dworkin et al.
With Herschel, achieved a definitive measurement of ocean-like water in the ecliptic comet 103P/Hartley 2, showing that such comets could have delivered Earth’s water. Report: G. Blake
Provided clear evidence for polar and apolar ices (with distinct chemical compositions) in the nuclei of three comets – new clues on their formative history. Reports: Bonev/ Villanueva/ /Paganini
Quantified the composition of primary (parent) volatiles in five additional comets, for inclusion in the taxonomy being developed by our team. Reports: Bonev/ DiSanti/ Gibb/ Paganini/ Villanueva
Formulated improved infrared spectral models for the Sun, and for fluorescent vibrational bands of H2O, HDO, CH4, C2H6, HCN, NH3, C2H2, CO, H2CO, and CH3OH. Report: G. Villanueva
Developed an empirical model for fluorescence efficiencies for the ν2 band of methanol in comets, and applied it to 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. Report: DiSanti
Achieved the most sensitive search ever obtained for biomarkers on Mars and primary volatiles in comets. Reports: G. Villanueva/ Y. Radeva
Achieved first light at millimeter wavelengths with the Large Millimeter Telescope (Mexico). This facility will be a powerful instrument for astrobiology (comets, disks, etc.). Report: W. Irvine
Investigated radiolysis of amino acids and sulfuric acid hydrates in astrophysical ice analogs, relevant to Titan, the interstellar medium, and comets. Report: R. Hudson
Explored alternative avenues to mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes in the protoplanetary disk, through nebular lightning instead of self-shielding of CO. Report: J. Nuth
Investigated X-ray characteristics of an erupting young star (V 1647 Ori), and identified possible charge transfer line emission in a massive star-forming region (the Carina nebula). Report: Petre
Investigated the gaseous fraction (abundances, chemistry) in young protoplanetary disks using Herschel. Report: A. Roberge
Achieved first NIR detections of emission from organic molecules (HCN, C2H2) in the inner regions of young circumstellar disks, and established upper limits for CH4. Report: Mandell
Ruled out the detection of CH4 in the exoplanet HD 189733b, reported previously by Swain et al.; conducted a search for organic signatures in the exoplanet GJ 1241b. Report: A. Mandell
Initiated models for planetesimal evolution in the Nice dynamical model, for the first time including collisions in time evolution studies. Report: M. Kuchner
Advanced dynamical models for comet reservoirs, by showing that Oort cloud comets could be captured from sibling stars in the Sun’s birth cluster & HTCs could be KB objects. Report: Levison
Showed that a single Serenitatis impactor dominates the isotopic signatures of Apollo 17 samples, and developed a new tool (molybdenum) for study of late impact addition. Report: Walker et al.
Demonstrated extraction of amino acids from a carbonate stromatolite sample (Svalbard), via derivitization process developed for SAM/MSL mission. Report: Glavin
Deployed a miniaturized ASTID mass spectrometer on field campaigns in Hawaii and Arizona, and successfully measured evolved gas composition. Report: Glavin
Advanced the technique of laser desorption coupled with mass spectroscopy for in situ analysis of complex organics on astrobiology missions to Mars, comets, asteroids. Report: Brinckerhoff et al.
Investigated perchlorate-induced alterations in organic signatures of samples analogous to Mars sediments, and in an Archaean stromatolite, with variable results. Report: Eigenbrode
Community Service (sample events):
GCA members contributed many articles to the “Encyclopedia of Astrobiology”. W. Irvine contributed some 90 entries and served as an Editor. Report: W. Irvine
GCA co-I W. Irvine served as President of IAU Commission 51 (BioAstronomy) and co-planner of the Origins 2011 (Montpelier, France). He is a co-planner of Origins 2014 (Japan). Report: Irvine
GCA organized and hosted the first “Workshop on Taxonomies of Comets”. Report: Bonev
GCA co-organized a “Workshop on Isotopes in Astrochemistry”. Report: Charnley & Milam
Education and Public Outreach (sample activities):
Dr. Michael Mumma delivered the Inaugural lecture of the Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Lecture Series. Dr. Soffen was a pioneer in Astrobiology and the Search for Life on Mars. Report: Cheung
Dr. Michael Mumma delivered the annual “Starry Night” public lecture (“The Search for Life on Mars”) at the Florida Museum of Science (Gainesville). Report: Cheung
GCA scientists supported two major outreach events at NASA GSFC: “Explore@NASA Goddard Day”, and “Celebrate Goddard Day and Science Jamboree”. Report: Cheung
Co-Investigators Mandell and Roberge gave a public lecture “The Quest for Nova Terra” at the Science Jamboree. Report: Cheung
A 10-week nationally advertised and competed program (“Undergraduate Research Associates in Astrobiology”) introduced selected students to mentored research in Astrobiology. Report: Cheung
We initiated conceptual design for an “Astrobiology Walk” to be installed at the Goddard Visitors Center. The Walk will feature 12 stations with placards featuring aspects of the GCA program.
Published papers
GCA members appeared as lead, principal, or co-author on xxx distinct scientific publications during this reporting period. Individual citations appear in the Bibliography.
Bodewits, D., Villanueva, G. L., Mumma, M. J., Landsman, W. B., Carter, J. A., & Read, A. M. (2010). SWIFT -UVOT GRISM SPECTROSCOPY OF COMETS: A FIRST APPLICATION TO C/2007 N3 (LULIN). The Astronomical Journal, 141(1), 12. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/141/1/12
Bottke, W. F., Walker, R. J., Day, J. M. D., Nesvorny, D., & Elkins-Tanton, L. (2010). Stochastic Late Accretion to Earth, the Moon, and Mars. Science, 330(6010), 1527–1530. doi:10.1126/science.1196874
Braakman, R., Belloche, A., Blake, G. A., & Menten, K. M. (2010). SEARCH FOR INTERSTELLAR METHOXYACETONITRILE AND CYANOETHANOL: INSIGHTS INTO COUPLING OF CYANO- TO METHANOL AND AMMONIA CHEMISTRY. The Astrophysical Journal, 724(2), 994–1005. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/724/2/994
Burton, A. S., Glavin, D. P., Callahan, M. P., Dworkin, J. P., Jenniskens, P., & Shaddad, M. H. (2011). Heterogeneous distributions of amino acids provide evidence of multiple sources within the Almahata Sitta parent body, asteroid 2008 TC3. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46(11), 1703–1712. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01257.x
Callahan, M. P., Smith, K. E., Cleaves, H. J., Ruzicka, J., Stern, J. C., Glavin, D. P., … Dworkin, J. P. (2011). Carbonaceous meteorites contain a wide range of extraterrestrial nucleobases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(34), 13995–13998. doi:10.1073/pnas.1106493108
Cordiner, M. A., Charnley, S. B., Buckle, J. V., Walsh, C., & Millar, T. J. (2011). DISCOVERY OF INTERSTELLAR ANIONS IN CEPHEUS AND AURIGA. The Astrophysical Journal, 730(2), L18. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/730/2/l18
Cordiner, M. A., Cox, N. L. J., Evans, C. J., Trundle, C., Smith, K. T., Sarre, P. J., & Gordon, K. D. (2010). A SURVEY OF DIFFUSE INTERSTELLAR BANDS IN THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY: OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY OF M31 OB STARS. The Astrophysical Journal, 726(1), 39. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/726/1/39
Currie, T., Thalmann, C., Matsumura, S., Madhusudhan, N., Burrows, A., & Kuchner, M. (2011). A 5 μm IMAGE OF β PICTORIS b AT A SUB-JUPITER PROJECTED SEPARATION: EVIDENCE FOR A MISALIGNMENT BETWEEN THE PLANET AND THE INNER, WARPED DISK. The Astrophysical Journal, 736(2), L33. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/736/2/l33
Czaja, A. D., Johnson, C. M., Beard, B. L., Eigenbrode, J. L., Freeman, K. H., & Yamaguchi, K. E. (2010). Iron and carbon isotope evidence for ecosystem and environmental diversity in the ∼2.7 to 2.5Ga Hamersley Province, Western Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 292(1-2), 170–180. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.01.032
Elsila, J. E., Callahan, M. P., Glavin, D. P., Dworkin, J. P., & Brückner, H. (2011). Distribution and Stable Isotopic Composition of Amino Acids from Fungal Peptaibiotics: Assessing the Potential for Meteoritic Contamination. Astrobiology, 11(2), 123–133. doi:10.1089/ast.2010.0505
Getty, S. A., Ten Kate, I. L., Feng, S. H., Brinckerhoff, W. B., Cardiff, E. H., Holmes, V. E., … Glavin, D. P. (2010). Development of an evolved gas-time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the Volatile Analysis by Pyrolysis of Regolith (VAPoR) instrument. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 295(3), 124–132. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2010.06.020
Glavin, D. P., Aubrey, A. D., Callahan, M. P., Dworkin, J. P., Elsila, J. E., Parker, E. T., … Shaddad, M. H. (2010). Extraterrestrial amino acids in the Almahata Sitta meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 45(10-11), 1695–1709. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01094.x
Glavin, D. P., Callahan, M. P., Dworkin, J. P., & Elsila, J. E. (2010). The effects of parent body processes on amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 45(12), 1948–1972. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01132.x
Glavin, D. P., Dworkin, J. P., Lupisella, M., Williams, D. R., Kminek, G., & Rummel, J. D. (2010). In Situ Biological Contamination Studies of the Moon: Implications for Planetary Protection and Life Detection Missions. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 107(1), 87–93. doi:10.1007/s11038-010-9361-4
Hartogh, P., Lis, D. C., Bockelée-Morvan, D., De Val-Borro, M., Biver, N., Küppers, M., … Blake, G. A. (2011). Ocean-like water in the Jupiter-family comet 103P/Hartley 2. Nature, 478(7368), 218–220. doi:10.1038/nature10519
Herd, C. D. K., Blinova, A., Simkus, D. N., Huang, Y., Tarozo, R., Alexander, C. M. O., … Stroud, R. M. (2011). Origin and Evolution of Prebiotic Organic Matter As Inferred from the Tagish Lake Meteorite. Science, 332(6035), 1304–1307. doi:10.1126/science.1203290
Hogerheijde, M. R., Bergin, E. A., Brinch, C., Cleeves, L. I., Fogel, J. K. J., Blake, G. A., … Van Dishoeck, E. F. (2011). Detection of the Water Reservoir in a Forming Planetary System. Science, 334(6054), 338–340. doi:10.1126/science.1208931
Levison, H. F., Duncan, M. J., Brasser, R., & Kaufmann, D. E. (2010). Capture of the Sun’s Oort Cloud from Stars in Its Birth Cluster. Science, 329(5988), 187–190. doi:10.1126/science.1187535
Loeffler, M. J., & Hudson, R. L. (2010). Thermally-induced chemistry and the Jovian icy satellites: A laboratory study of the formation of sulfur oxyanions. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(19), n/a–n/a. doi:10.1029/2010gl044553
Loeffler, M. J., Hudson, R. L., Moore, M. H., & Carlson, R. W. (2011). Radiolysis of sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid monohydrate, and sulfuric acid tetrahydrate and its relevance to Europa. Icarus, 215(1), 370–380. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.06.008
Mandell, A. M., Deming, L. D., Blake, G. A., Knutson, H. A., Mumma, M. J., Villanueva, G. L., & Salyk, C. (2011). NON-DETECTION OFL-BAND LINE EMISSION FROM THE EXOPLANET HD189733b. The Astrophysical Journal, 728(1), 18. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/728/1/18
Marshall, J. P., Löhne, T., Montesinos, B., Krivov, A. V., Eiroa, C., Absil, O., … Wolf, S. (2011). A Herschel resolved far-infrared dust ring around HD 207129. A&A, 529, A117. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116673
Meech, K. J., A’Hearn, M. F., Adams, J. A., Bacci, P., Bai, J., Barrera, L., … Ziffer, J. E. (2011). EPOXI : COMET 103P/HARTLEY 2 OBSERVATIONS FROM A WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN. The Astrophysical Journal, 734(1), L1. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/734/1/l1
Millan-Gabet, R., Serabyn, E., Mennesson, B., Traub, W. A., Barry, R. K., Danchi, W. C., … Booth, A. J. (2011). EXOZODIACAL DUST LEVELS FOR NEARBY MAIN-SEQUENCE STARS: A SURVEY WITH THE KECK INTERFEROMETER NULLER. The Astrophysical Journal, 734(1), 67. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/734/1/67
Moore, M. H., Ferrante, R. F., James Moore, W., & Hudson, R. (2010). INFRARED SPECTRA AND OPTICAL CONSTANTS OF NITRILE ICES RELEVANT TO TITAN’s ATMOSPHERE. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 191(1), 96–112. doi:10.1088/0067-0049/191/1/96
Mumma, M. J., & Charnley, S. B. (2011). The Chemical Composition of Comets—Emerging Taxonomies and Natal Heritage. Annu. Rev. Astro. Astrophys., 49(1), 471–524. doi:10.1146/annurev-astro-081309-130811
Mumma, M. J., Bonev, B. P., Villanueva, G. L., Paganini, L., DiSanti, M. A., Gibb, E. L., … Magee-Sauer, K. (2011). TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL ASPECTS OF GAS RELEASE DURING THE 2010 APPARITION OF COMET 103P/HARTLEY 2. The Astrophysical Journal, 734(1), L7. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/734/1/l7
Novak, R. E., Mumma, M. J., & Villanueva, G. L. (2011). Measurement of the isotopic signatures of water on Mars; Implications for studying methane. Planetary and Space Science, 59(2-3), 163–168. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2010.06.017
Nuevo, M., Milam, S. N., Sandford, S. A., De Gregorio, B. T., Cody, G. D., & Kilcoyne, A. L. D. (2011). XANES analysis of organic residues produced from the UV irradiation of astrophysical ice analogs. Advances in Space Research, 48(6), 1126–1135. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2011.05.020
Parker, E. T., Cleaves, H. J., Callahan, M. P., Dworkin, J. P., Glavin, D. P., Lazcano, A., & Bada, J. L. (2010). Prebiotic Synthesis of Methionine and Other Sulfur-Containing Organic Compounds on the Primitive Earth: A Contemporary Reassessment Based on an Unpublished 1958 Stanley Miller Experiment. Orig Life Evol Biosph, 41(3), 201–212. doi:10.1007/s11084-010-9228-8
Parker, E. T., Cleaves, H. J., Dworkin, J. P., Glavin, D. P., Callahan, M., Aubrey, A., … Bada, J. L. (2011). Primordial synthesis of amines and amino acids in a 1958 Miller H2S-rich spark discharge experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(14), 5526–5531. doi:10.1073/pnas.1019191108
Radeva, Y. L., Mumma, M. J., Bonev, B. P., DiSanti, M. A., Villanueva, G. L., Magee-Sauer, K., … Weaver, H. A. (2010). The organic composition of Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) revealed through infrared spectroscopy. Icarus, 206(2), 764–777. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.09.014
Radeva, Y. L., Mumma, M. J., Villanueva, G. L., & A’Hearn, M. F. (2011). A NEWLY DEVELOPED FLUORESCENCE MODEL FOR C 2 H 6 ν 5 AND APPLICATION TO COMETARY SPECTRA ACQUIRED WITH NIRSPEC AT KECK II. The Astrophysical Journal, 729(2), 135. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/729/2/135
Raymond, S. N., Armitage, P. J., Moro-Martín, A., Booth, M., Wyatt, M. C., Armstrong, J. C., … West, A. A. (2011). Debris disks as signposts of terrestrial planet formation. A&A, 530, A62. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116456
Salyk, C., Pontoppidan, K. M., Blake, G. A., Najita, J. R., & Carr, J. S. (2011). A SPITZER SURVEY OF MID-INFRARED MOLECULAR EMISSION FROM PROTOPLANETARY DISKS. II. CORRELATIONS AND LOCAL THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELS. The Astrophysical Journal, 731(2), 130. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/731/2/130
Summons, R. E., Amend, J. P., Bish, D., Buick, R., Cody, G. D., Des Marais, D. J., … Sumner, D. Y. (2011). Preservation of Martian Organic and Environmental Records: Final Report of the Mars Biosignature Working Group. Astrobiology, 11(2), 157–181. doi:10.1089/ast.2010.0506
Teets, W. K., Weintraub, D. A., Grosso, N., Principe, D., Kastner, J. H., Hamaguchi, K., & Richmond, M. (2011). X-RAY PRODUCTION BY V1647 Ori DURING OPTICAL OUTBURSTS. The Astrophysical Journal, 741(2), 83. doi:10.1088/0004-637x/741/2/83
Ten Kate, I. L., Cardiff, E. H., Dworkin, J. P., Feng, S. H., Holmes, V., Malespin, C., … Glavin, D. P. (2010). VAPoR – Volatile Analysis by Pyrolysis of Regolith – an instrument for in situ detection of water, noble gases, and organics on the Moon. Planetary and Space Science, 58(7-8), 1007–1017. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2010.03.006
Thi, W-F., Ménard, F., Meeus, G., Martin-Zaïdi, C., Woitke, P., Tatulli, E., … Eiroa, C. (2011). Detection of CH + emission from the disc around HD 100546. A&A, 530, L2. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116678
Townsley, L. K., Broos, P. S., Chu, Y-H., Gagné, M., Garmire, G. P., Gruendl, R. A., … Pittard, J. M. (2011). THE CHANDRA CARINA COMPLEX PROJECT: DECIPHERING THE ENIGMA OF CARINA’S DIFFUSE X-RAY EMISSION. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 194(1), 15. doi:10.1088/0067-0049/194/1/15
Townsley, L. K., Broos, P. S., Corcoran, M. F., Feigelson, E. D., Gagné, M., Montmerle, T., … Schulz, N. S. (2011). AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CHANDRA CARINA COMPLEX PROJECT. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 194(1), 1. doi:10.1088/0067-0049/194/1/1
Villanueva, G. L., Mumma, M. J., & Magee-Sauer, K. (2011). Ethane in planetary and cometary atmospheres: Transmittance and fluorescence models of the ν 7 band at 3.3 μ m. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(E8), None. doi:10.1029/2010je003794
Villanueva, G. L., Mumma, M. J., DiSanti, M. A., Bonev, B. P., Gibb, E. L., Magee-Sauer, K., … Salyk, C. (2011). The molecular composition of Comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini): Evidence of a peculiar outgassing and a rich chemistry. Icarus, 216(1), 227–240. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.08.024
Walsh, K. J., Morbidelli, A., Raymond, S. N., O’Brien, D. P., & Mandell, A. M. (2011). A low mass for Mars from Jupiter’s early gas-driven migration. Nature, 475(7355), 206–209. doi:10.1038/nature10201
Wirström, E. S., Geppert, W. D., Hjalmarson, Å., Persson, C. M., Black, J. H., Bergman, P., … Vigren, E. (2011). Observational tests of interstellar methanol formation. A&A, 533, A24. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116525
- Getty, S.A., Brinckerhoff, W.B., Cornish, T.J., Merrill Floyd, M.A., Ecelberger, S.A., Callahan, M.P., McAdam, C., Elsila, J.E., Eigenbrode, J.L. & Arevalo, R.D. (2011). Miniature two-step laser TOF mass spectromter with reversible ion polarity. Lunar Planet. Sci (59): 387-393
- Mumma, M.J., Bonev, B.P., DiSanti, M.A., Paganini, L., Villanueva, G.L., Radeva, Y.L., Gibb, E.L., Magee-Sauer, K., Keane, J.V. & Meech, K.J. (2010). Comet 103P/Hartley. IAU Circ (9180): 1