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2011 Annual Science Report

NASA Ames Research Center Reporting  |  SEP 2010 – AUG 2011

EPO Activity: Education and Outreach Through Presentations

Project Progress

The NAI Ames Team has an entire portfolio of diverse activities that contributes to advancing the field of astrobiology and captivating audiences from “K-to-Gray.” The team’s efforts are designed to increase awareness, appreciation and engagement with STEM fields as they relate to astrobiology. Specific activities occurred in K-12 classrooms, universities, museums, planetariums, national park visitor centers, NASA Ames Research Center, scientific conferences and public media events across the country. In addition, team members participated in science fairs, science camps, gave classroom seminars, conducted labs and lab tours, and made formal presentations at scientific conferences.

With the help of a student assistant, NAI Ames Team member Andy Mattioda demonstrates that infrared light can’t pass through glass.

Lou Allamandola demonstrates to a group of students how the luminescent properties of organic molecules found in space can be used to identify life on other planets.