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2006 Annual Science Report

Indiana University, Bloomington Reporting  |  JUL 2005 – JUN 2006

Executive Summary

Team IPTAI continues to focus on field sampling and borehole monitoring of sub-permafrost brines in fractured Archean strata from the deep subsurface of northern Canada. Our principal research site will shift in the coming year from an extensively mined gold deposit at Lupin to a minimally explored base-metal deposit at High Lake, Nunavat Territory (Figure 1). The High Lake mining property is located in an Archean green stone belt containing both felsic and mafic metavolcanics and comprising a significant copper-zinc deposit that is frozen to a depth of about 450 meters. A site for scientific drilling will be selected on the basis of fracture patterns evident from surface mapping and minimal contamination from exploration drilling. We anticipate drilling in July 2006 and plan for one borehole at an angle of 40° to 75° from horizontal with recovery of 20 to 30 meters of aseptic core ... Continue reading.

Field Sites
15 Institutions
7 Project Reports
0 Publications
0 Field Sites

Project Reports