2005 Annual Science Report
Virtual Planetary Laboratory (JPL/CalTech) Reporting | JUL 2004 – JUN 2005
Characterization of Terrestrial Planets From Disk-Averaged Spectra: Earths Around Other Stars
Project Summary
Continuing work completed in previous years on Earth-like planets around F, G and K stars, this year we submitted a paper to Astrobiology that describes a coupled photochemical-climate model for Earth-like planets around M stars.
Project Progress
Continuing work completed in previous years on Earth-like planets around F, G and K stars, this year we submitted a paper to Astrobiology that describes a coupled photochemical-climate model for Earth-like planets around M stars. For two active M-stars (Eps Eridani and AD Leo) we constructed absolute FUV- to far-IR spectral energy distributions using optical and near-infrared observations. These spectra, and spectral models of 3 quiescent M stars were input to the climate-chemistry model to estimated the thickness of the ozone layer and the abundance of various biomarker gases (CH4, N2O, and CH3Cl). We calculated visible to mid-infrared spectra for the resulting planetary environments. All of the M-star planets modeled exhibited observable ozone layers, with ozone column depths on the two active M-stars within a factor of 2 of Earth’s (Fig. 1), whereas ozone column depths for planets around quiescent M-stars were up to 8 times smaller. Abundances of reduced biomarker gases were higher on the M-star planets than on Earth, given the same assumed surface fluxes, due to the low near-UV flux from the parent stars. CH4, for example, had a predicted concentration of ~500 ppmv on the active M-star planets, compared to 1.7 ppmv for Earth (Fig. 2). Little radiation is emitted from Mstars in the 200-300 nm range and the production of O(1D) and the corresponding abundance of OH radicals in the troposphere of an M-star planet is much lower than on Earth. The result is that both O2 (or O3) and reduced biomarker gases have a higher probability of being simultaneously observed on such planets, if present, (Fig. 3), providing a strong indicator for life.
High-CO2 planetary atmospheres were also simulated using a 1-D photochemical model to address whether O2 and O3 abiotic abundances can be in false positives for life. Complete FUV-far-IR spectra were assembled for six sun-like stars and spectrum of the object with the highest stellar UV flux (EK Dra) was used. A paper with the results is being prepared.
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Rebecca Butler
Martin Cohen
David Crisp
Victoria Meadows
John Scalo
Giovanna Tinetti
Objective 1.2
Indirect and direct astronomical observations of extrasolar habitable planets
Objective 7.2
Biosignatures to be sought in nearby planetary systems