2005 Annual Science Report
University of Hawaii, Manoa Reporting | JUL 2004 – JUN 2005
Formation of Planetesimals in a Dynamically Evolving Nebula
Project Summary
Work on the dynamics of dust grains in the neighborhood of density-enhanced structures in a planet-forming nebula has been continuing. In particular, a new project on the dynamics and coagulations of dust particles in a dynamically evolving nebula has been launched. In such and environment, the physical properties of the nebula, such as its temperature and pressure, constantly vary.
Project Progress
Work on the dynamics of dust grains in the neighborhood of density-enhanced structures in a planet-forming nebula has been continuing. In particular, a new project on the dynamics and coagulations of dust particles in a dynamically evolving nebula has been launched. In such and environment, the physical properties of the nebula, such as its temperature and pressure, constantly vary. This work has shown that such variations will manifest themselves as gas density-enhanced regions and affect the dynamics of small grain in their neighborhood. The presence of pressure gradients on both sides of these structures causes solid objects to undergo inward and outward migrations, and accumulate at the location of maximum gas density. The analysis has been expanded to include the interactions between small dust grains and the background material of the nebula. The results of recent analyses, which will appear in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, indicate that, in the vicinity of such structures, dust grains grow to a few centimeters by sweeping up smaller objects, and will rapidly accumulate around the location of maximum gas density on the midplane. Recent simulations are allowing for turbulence. It is expected that, once cm-sized particles are accumulated on both sides of the midplane, because of the velocity differences between solids and gas molecules, turbulence will occur and these particles will be removed from the midplane to higher elevations. On the other hand, turbulence will cause particle to collide with one another faster and increases the rates of their coagulation. The results of this project have direct application to the long-lasting issue of planetesimal formation in a solar nebula.
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Objective 1.1
Models of formation and evolution of habitable planets