2003 Annual Science Report
Astrobiology Roadmap Objective 7.2 Reports Reporting | JUL 2002 – JUN 2003
Roadmap Objective 7.2—Biosignatures to be sought in nearby planetary systems
Project Reports
Biogeochemistry of the Early Earth
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 3.1 4.1 4.3 5.2 5.3 6.2 7.1 7.2 -
First-Stage Biofilm Formation Under Extreme Conditions in Ice
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 5.1 5.3 6.1 6.2 7.2 -
Laboratory/Observational Studies of Biogenic Greenhouse Gases on the Early Earth
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.2 2.1 4.1 7.2 -
Benner – Self-Reproducing Molecular Systems and Darwinian Chemistry
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.2 7.1 7.2 -
Chemical Building Blocks
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 3.1 3.4 4.3 7.1 7.2 -
Studies in Planetary Formation and Evolution
During the course of the last five years, the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) astronomy group has become perhaps the leading group worldwide studying the detection, formation, and evolution of planetary systems, with a special emphasis on systems containing habitable planets.
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 1.2 2.1 7.2 -
Characterization of Terrestrial Planets From Disk-Averaged Spectra: Spatially and Spectrally Resolved Planetary Models
This project uses spatially resolved spectral models of planets in our own solar system to determine the instrument sensitivity and spectral resolution required to detect signs of habitability or life in disk-averaged astronomical spectra of extrasolar planets at visible and infrared wavelengths.
Isotopic and Molecular Approaches to Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (The Evolution of Organic Matter)
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
Biogeochemistry of Earth’s Greenhouse Leading to the Rise of Oxygen
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 1.2 3.1 4.1 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
Molecular Survey of Microbial Diversity in Hypersaline Ecosystems, Ecogenomics
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 3.2 3.4 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
Fe Isotope Biosignatures
The field of Fe isotope geochemistry, which the UW-Madison group has been largely responsible for developing, has matured greatly in the last year.
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1 4.1 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
Chemistry Models for Extrasolar Planets
This year, we have worked on both a coupled photochemical-climate model for Earth-like planets, which is an end-to-end test case for the larger VPL atmosphere model, and chemistry models for extrasolar giant planets.
Delivery of Organic Materials to Planets
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 1.2 3.1 7.2 -
Early Microbial Ecosystems
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
The Abiotic Planetary Model: The Upper and Lower Boundary Condition on the Atmosphere
The Virtual Planetary Laboratory – the Life Modules
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 4.1 5.3 6.1 7.2 -
Isotopic and Molecular Tracers of Life
Task 1. Molecular Spectroscopic Investigations into Ancient Biochemistry (Cody, Fogel, Hazen)
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 3.2 4.1 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
Evolution of Atmospheric O2, Climate, and Biosphere – Ohmoto
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 2.1 4.1 4.3 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
The Planetary Context of Biological Evolution Sub Project: Geobiology of Neogene Hematitic Sedimentary Rocks
We completed laboratory analyses of samples of iron deposits collected along the Rio Tinto basin, southwestern Spain (Fig. 1).
Extra Solar Planetary Systems
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 1.2 7.1 7.2 -
Characterization of Terrestrial Planets From Disk-Averaged Spectra: Spectroscopic Studies to Understand Detectability and Habitability.
n this project we focus on understanding what we can learn about an extrasolar terrestrial planet from remotely sensed, disk-averaged spectra, as a function of spectral resolution and instrument sensitivity
Ecosystem to Biosphere Modeling
We have developed a simulation model called MBGC (Microbial BioGeoChemistry) to infer effects of major environmental controllers on microbial community structure and function (Decker and Potter, 2002).
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1 5.3 6.1 7.2 -
Spectroscopic Databases to Support Extrasolar Planet Modeling
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.1 1.2 4.1 7.2 -
The Virtual Planetary Laboratory – Synthesis and Architecture
Many environmental processes contribute to the reflected stellar and emitted thermal spectrum of a planet.
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1 6.1 7.1 7.2 -
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 4.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.2 -
A Timescale for the Evolution of Life on Earth – Hedges
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.2 2.1 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.2 5.3 7.1 7.2 -
A Timescale for the Evolution of Life on Earth – Nei
ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 1.2 2.1 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.2 5.3 7.1 7.2