Rebecca Gast
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Current Projects
- Searching for Ancestral Biosignatures — 2005 NAI
- Searching for Ancestral Sequences — 2004 NAI
- Genes That Regulate Photosymbiotic Interactions — 2004 NAI
- Genes That Regulate Photosymbiotic Interactions — 2003 NAI
- Genes That Regulate Photosymbiotic Interactions — 2002 NAI
- Genes That Regulate Photosymbiotic Interactions — 2001 NAI
- Protist Diversity in Extreme Environments — 2001 NAI
- Protist Diversity in Extreme Environments — 2000 NAI
- Genes That Regulate Photosymbiotic Relationships — 2000 NAI
- View all 9 projects
NAI Project Collaborators
- Project collaborators as reported by the latest NAI Annual Report.

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Molecular Ecology and Symbiosis