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2014 Annual Science Report

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reporting  |  SEP 2013 – DEC 2014

EPO Activity: There's a Scientist in My Classroom! Workshop

Project Progress

MIT team member Benjamin Kotrc worked with partners from the MIT Edgerton Center, Cambridge Science Festival, HHMI, and Harvard University to hold two successful teacher-scientist workshops, previously known under the name ““Telling Your Story”“.

In October/November 2013, the workshop was expanded into two day-long sessions aimed at grades 4-8 and 9-12, respectively. In addition to pre/post and follow-up surveys of workshop participants, an attempt was made to deepen the evaluation of the classroom visits resulting from these workshops. (Figures 1,2 – caption: ““Researchers and classroom teachers forge connections—rotating speed-dating style to meet as many of each other as possible—and discuss what makes successful classroom visits work”“) (Figure 3 – caption: ““Among the most popular parts of the day are when participants get to experience examples of successful hands-on activities, before applying what they have learned to develop some of their own.”“)”