2011 Annual Science Report
Pennsylvania State University Reporting | SEP 2010 – AUG 2011
EPO Activity: EPO: K-12 Interactive Science Events
Project Progress
The Penn State Astrobiology Research Center (PSARC) participated in three informal education hands-on STEM events in FY11; Exploration Day at Penn State, AstroFest, and Bellefonte Family Science Night.
These three events are interactive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) events targeted for a general public audience celebrating the importance of a strong STEM education. Graduate students and faculty from the STEM fields at Penn State organize displays and hands-on activities for K-12 students to inspire them to pursue STEM studies and careers. In 2011 PSARC sponsored astrobiology exhibits and activities relating to exoplanets, icy moons, extreme life, the solar system, telescopes, fossils and other related fields.
Exploration Day was held at the Bryce Jordan Center on the Penn State campus on Saturday, April 9th, 2011. AstroFest was held on July 14-16 and Bellefonte Family Science Night took place at the Bellefonte Middle School in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania on November 18th, 2010. More than 3500 of the general public attended these events.