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2011 Annual Science Report

Pennsylvania State University Reporting  |  SEP 2010 – AUG 2011

EPO Activity: EPO: 3-D Visualization of Astrobiology Concepts

Project Progress

The PSARC team, led by Chuck Anderson a 3-D visualization specialist, is currently working on two projects and completed a third project in FY 2011 related to 3-D visualization of astrobiology concepts.

Dr. Anderson as created a 3-D, interactive educational movie called Slices of Time. The movie allows viewers to see examples of geochemical processes that occur at 14 different time scales from years and hours to seconds and even smaller. With a running time of 13 minutes, Slices of Time shows how coal beds form over millions of years through the complex interplay between water and land as sea levels rise and recede. See:

Dr. Anderson is also currently working with the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg, PA to provide astrobiology related content to their Science on a Sphere. And most recently formed a partnership with the Discovery Space of Central Pennsylvania to provide a 3-D movie on Earth’s History and fossils. Both of these are ongoing projects and will be completed in FY 2012.