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2011 Annual Science Report

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Titan Reporting  |  SEP 2010 – AUG 2011

EPO Activity: FfAME Outreach to University and College Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Project Progress

Various presentations were made at universities including:

Title: Bringing Ancient Biomolecules Back to Life. Paleogenetics in Science and Medicine”
Place: Indianapolis, IN
Organization: Indiana University
Dates: September 21-22, 2010

Title: Redesigning Nucleic Acids and the Modern Synthetic Biology
Place: Baltimore, MD
Organization: University of Maryland
Dates: November 3-5, 2010

Title: Astrobiology
Place: Berguen, Switzerland
Organization: ETH and the University of Zurich, Student weekend
Dates: August 17-21, 2011