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2011 Annual Science Report

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Titan Reporting  |  SEP 2010 – AUG 2011

EPO Activity: “Art Station Titan” an Informal Science Stage Show

Project Progress

We are developing and testing a 20-minute stage show for informal science centers to excite and inform visitors about the science and exploration of Titan. The show utilizes a participatory exercise in scientific illustration to engage visitors in the material. Each participant is given a clipboard and pencils, and the facilitator, using a series of Cassini and Huygens images and videos of Titan, leads them through an exercise in which each draws a sketch of a Titan landscape, learning along the way about many aspects of the Titan environment as revealed by modern exploration.

During this year we finished the original concept planning, ran some prototype shows to test the central concept of using an art lesson to teach Titan science, wrote and developed the show, created presentation materials and supporting media, developed training materials, including a training DVD for presenters, trained an initial group of facilitators, and began regular public presentations of the show.
Between July 28 and November 5th we performed the show 56 times for 1,612 visitors.

In 2012 we will focus on refining and improving the show as well as evaluation and dissemination of the technique, materials and evaluation results for use at other informal science centers.