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2011 Annual Science Report

Arizona State University Reporting  |  SEP 2010 – AUG 2011

EPO Activity: EPO Informal Education, Task 1A: Virtual Field Trip to the Flinders Ranges, South Australia

Project Progress

Flinders Ranges, South Australia Virtual Field Trip
This project is a collaborative effort between ASU NAI team, MIT NAI Team, the South Australian Museum, and the Australian Centre for Astrobiology. Work has proceeded on the Flinders Ranges Virtual Field Trip (VFT) during the reporting period. A Web template of the VFT has been refined with the addition of digital images, high resolution panoramas, video clips and specimen movies (see Figures 1-2). The VFT prototype can be found at: Work has also begun on the development of introductory teacher materials that are aligned to both US and Australian Science Education Standards.

Figure 1: Flinders Virtual Field Trip. ​Screen shot of the Flinders Web-based Virtual Field Trip (VFT) showing the layout of the first beta template that was completed in the Summer/Fall of 2011.

Figure 2: Flinders Virtual Field Trip Components. ​Media components of the Flinders VFT including: 1) digital images (upper left), 2) interactive 3D specimen movies (upper right), 3) high resolution Gigapan panoramas (bottom left), and 4) videos (bottom right).