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2009 Annual Science Report

Carnegie Institution of Washington Reporting  |  JUL 2008 – AUG 2009

EPO Activity: Public Talks, Workshops and Media Appearances

Project Progress

Co-I Robert Hazen presented 25 lectures for the general public and the broader scientific community on the topics of Mineral Evolution, Mineral Surfaces and the Origins of Life. These included talks at 12 university and college campuses across the USA and at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC.
Co-I Alan Boss presented 9 public lectures on the topic of The Crowded Universe: The Search for Living Planets in venues ranging from university campuses, to town halls and corporate headquarters. Boss also gave a Smithsonian Resident Associates Lecture in Washington DC in March 2009. He was also featured in 28 live or taped radio interviews for local, national and international audiences.
Co-I John Baross was an invited lecturer AAAS National meeting in February 2009 and at the AAAS Pacific Division meeting in August 2009. He also presented at the NASA Lecture Series on Evolution of Biology, Technology, Science and Exploration in November 2009.
Co-I James Farquhar was a leader for the NSF NAGT On the Cutting Edge Workshop for Early Career Faculty at Carleton College in June 2009. He also conducted a workshop on teaching methods for student teachers in the University of Maryland’s Merrill Scholars program in October 2009.
Co-I Alycia Weinberger co-chaired a Science Day at Rosemary Hills Primary School in Maryland in December 20008.