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2009 Annual Science Report

Arizona State University Reporting  |  JUL 2008 – AUG 2009

EPO Activity: EPO: ASU Astrobiology Website Development

Project Progress

The ASU Follow the Elements website is the public face of the project and contains a wealth of information on the project. The current website has six sections: 1) Home, 2) People, 3) Research, 4) Education and Public Outreach, 5) Events, and 6) More (Figures 1-3). It is updated with news and events weekly. The EPO site is in the process of being updated and will feature downloadable teacher resources and a media project targeting K-12 students and the general public (to launch in early 2010). The website address is:

A component of the EPO website focusing on the ASU Field Expedition to Yellowstone National Park (July-August) was developed this fall. It features information on the research being conducted in Yellowstone, image galleries, interactive maps, a virtual tour, and fun facts (Figures 4-6). The site is in development and will be significantly expanded in 2010 as results and images become available. The website address is: