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2004 Annual Science Report

University of Colorado, Boulder Reporting  |  JUL 2003 – JUN 2004

Executive Summary

The University of Colorado Center for Astrobiology brings together researchers who focus on scientific issues related to the origin and history of life here on Earth, the potential for life to exist elsewhere in our solar system, and the distribution of planets around other stars and their potential habitability. The participants in our effort span the range of scientific disciplines that comprise astrobiology and, by coming together in an academic and intellectual environment, provide a breadth of expertise that provides cross-cutting scientific leadership. Our efforts include research in the various sub-disciplines of astrobiology, teaching of undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers both in the individual sub-disciplines and across all of astrobiology, and outreach to the broader university and public communities. Together, they add up to a vibrant program in astrobiology that reaches out across a substantial fraction of the university intellectual landscape. Here, we ...

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