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The Organic Continuum From the ISM to the Early Solar System Workshop

Presenter: George Cody, Carnegie Institution for Science
When: March 11, 2010 7AM PST

Organized by:
George Cody (PI, NAI CIW team) and Doug Whittet (PI, NAI RPI team)

An NAI “workshop without walls” will be held on March 11 and 12, 2010 to present cutting edge science on subjects spanning the cosmic evolution of molecular organic complexity, from small molecule formation in interstellar clouds, to organic reactions and inventories in protoplanetary disks, to organic inventories in outer and inner solar system primitive bodies. Speakers will be from the current and former NAI nodes with expertise varying from observational astronomy, mathematical and astrochemical modeling, laboratory astrophysics, meteoritics, comets, and more… The goal is to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations across the community.

This workshop is also a test of how to best use the advanced virtual communications capabilities of NAI to initiate greater cross-team awareness and dialog on a focused research area well represented across the NAI. What we learn from this will inform the greater community.

The workshop is open to all and will be accessible via internet browser—no special software or equipment is required. Please register below to receive connection details.

Workshop topic areas include

  • Interstellar Dust and the Organic Inventory of Protostellar Envelopes
  • Organic Astrochemistry of Protoplanetary Disks
  • Laboratory Studies of analog ISM and outer Solar System Materials
  • Organics and Volatiles in Comets
  • Organic matter in Interplanetary Dust particles.
  • The Organic Inventory in Asteroids and Primitive Meteorites

Workshops Without Walls

  • The Workshop Without Walls concept was developed by the NAI as part of its mandate to use modern information technology to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research among widely distributed investigators.
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