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Molecular Paleontology and Resurrection Workshop

Presenter: Loren Williams, Georgia Institute of Technology
When: November 8, 2010 2:36PM PST

Molecular Paleontology and Resurrection: Rewinding the Tape of Life.

This three day workshop, “Molecular Paleontology and Resurrection: Rewinding the Tape of Life”, will be streamed live over the web. The workshop is open to the worldwide science community. It will be accessible via internet browser, no special software or equipment is required. Questions can be submitted to speakers by chat software. This is a new type of scientific conference with a low carbon footprint, no registration fees, and no hassle of travel. The low barrier to attendance makes it reasonable for scientists outside of this direct line of research, and the non-scientist lay public, to attend what would normally be a highly restricted meeting.

Organized by John Peters and Loren Williams, PIs of the NAI’s Montana State University and Georgia Tech teams, a primary goal of the workshop is to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations across the community.

The workshop will consist of talks and discussion. Each presentation will allow ample time for questions and answers afterwards. Although talks will be recorded and posted online, we encourage researchers to attend in real time to engage in what we expect will be a lively exchange of ideas during the workshop.

Workshops Without Walls

  • The Workshop Without Walls concept was developed by the NAI as part of its mandate to use modern information technology to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research among widely distributed investigators.
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