Early Career Seminars
Subscribe to this series SAGANet.org Ask an Astrobiologist Series
Once a month, SAGANet (saganet.org) hosts a program called “Ask an Astrobiologist”, where the public is invited to interact with a high-profile astrobiologist, who replies to twitter and chat questions live on video. Each session lasts about an hour.
SAGANet.org Ask an Astrobiologist Series
PRESENTED ON February 6, 2013 -
Ask an Astrobiologist
PRESENTED ON September 25, 2018
Subscribe to this series AbGradCon
AbGradCon (Astrobiology Graduate Conference) provides a unique setting for astrobiologically-inclined graduate students and early career researchers to come together to share their research, collaborate, and network. AbGradCon 2014 marks the tenth year of this conference—each time in a different place and organized by a different group of students, but always with the original charter as a guide.
PRESENTED ON August 1, 2013 -
AbGradCon 2018
PRESENTED ON June 5, 2018
Subscribe to this series NPP Alumni Seminars
The NASA Postdoctoral Program has been extraordinarily successful in supporting new leaders in the astrobiology community. Upon completion of their postdoctoral fellowships, the Astrobiology Fellows are given the opportunity to present a seminar to share their work with one another and with the astrobiology community at large.
NPP Alumni Seminars
Investigating Habitable Environments on Mars Using Orbital and Rover-Based Imaging Spectroscopy
Melissa Rice, Western Washington UniversityPRESENTED ON June 6, 2016
Subscribe to this series GSFC Summer Internship
Each year, summer interns at the NAI’s Goddard Center for Astrobiology present their work. Via collaborative technologies, they are able to present to the entire astrobiology community—adding an important dimension to their educational experience.
GSFC Summer Internship
GSFC Summer Research Associate 2019 Presentations
PRESENTED ON August 9, 2019
Subscribe to this series SETI Summer Internship
SETI Summer Internship
SETI Summer Internship