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Collaborative Practices in Astrobiology Research: The NASA Astrobiology Institute

Presenter: Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, NASA Astrobiology Institute
When: February 9, 2015 1PM PST

The NASA Astrobiology Institute is a cross-disciplinary research network established to study astrobiology related questions, with over 700 active researchers, affiliated with approximately 130 institutions. The broadness of the topic (life in the universe) and the distributed nature of the network require a collaborative research agenda from an interdisciplinary perspective.

This presentation assesses interdisciplinary collaborative practices at NAI for the CAN 4 and CAN 5 teams (14 in total), by focusing on four areas:

(i) communication behaviors [use of virtual collaboration tools and assessment of online meetings];
(ii) data and information behaviors [attitudes towards and practices of research data management];
(iii) collaborative work and interdisciplinary interaction [metrics for interdisciplinary and collaborative work and qualitative analysis of interdisciplinary work]; and
(iv) institutional identity [what does it mean to be an astrobiologist, and the researchers’ relationship with the NAI as an organization].

The findings and recommendations provided in this presentation are useful to improve efficient communication, data sharing, collaborative analysis and problem solving; to foster interdisciplinary science and collaborative work; and to strengthen institutional identity.

NPP Alumni Seminars

  • The NASA Postdoctoral Program has been extraordinarily successful in supporting new leaders in the astrobiology community. Upon completion of their postdoctoral fellowships, the Astrobiology Fellows are given the opportunity to present a seminar to share their work with one another and with the astrobiology community at large.
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