AbSciCon 2019 Student Poster Competition
July 12, 2019 / Written by: Glorie Martinez
First place winner, Andrew Gangidine (left), and third place winner, Lavontria Aaron (right), stand with NASA Astrobiology Program Director, Mary Voytek, as they receive the AbSciCon 2019 student poster competition awards. Credit: Michael L. WongFor over 15 years, the NASA Astrobiology Institute has been pleased to host the Student Poster Competition at the Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), an event which spotlights future astrobiologists and their promising contributions to the field. This year, we are excited to report that seventy-one graduate and undergraduate students participated in the contest.
1st place was awarded to Andrew Gangidine of the University of Cincinnati for his poster “A Trace Element Biosignature for Life on Early Earth and Mars.”
Second-place went to Jayme Feyhl-Buska of the University of Southern California for the research “Targeted Enrichments Reveal Potential Metabolisms, Novel Taxa, and Thermophiles in Icelandic Subglacial Lakes.”
Lavontria Aaron of Johns Hopkins University received third-place for the poster “Investigating Oxalate Mineral Formations on Mars using CRISM Hyperspectral Imaging Data.”
The NAI wishes to thank Graham Lau and Julia DeMarines for managing this year’s competition, and extends our congratulations to all of the hardworking students who presented their innovative research at AbSciCon 2019.

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